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Indiana home owner walks in on house being robbed.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
"A Pierceton man is recovering from gunshot wounds in the Kosciusko County Jail after he was beaten, chased and shot by a Silver Lake couple he tried to rob for the second time Friday."

I just love a story with a happy ending! :banana:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I guess this would be a case where chasing after a fleeing felon -- and shooting out a tire to stop the getaway vehicle -- is okay since a felony had been committed and a citizen can act in order to apprehend (make a citizen's arrest?) the "suspects" who were seen to have committed said felony.

And I guess it was okay to shoot the "even-though-fleeing" felon since he turned to fire on the homeowner. Even if it weren't okay (legal) though, that's the way to "take a bite out of crme" -- no conversation, just shoot them (forget that "McGruff the Crime Dog" nonsense).

A fairly happy ending indeed, but not completely satisfactory as the two losers are both still alive...and soon will be back on the street to do it again, and again.

Next time, please aim a bit higher...