Real estate laws like gun laws are state specific - moving it.
Note: lease terms/rules and regs may be amended with proper notice.
I would not consider laying a flyer by the door proper notice.
With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you think - what matters is how the law reads.
You will note that I said "may" be amended - not can be or are - and yes delivering said notice
at the front door may well constitute proper/legal notice. "At" the front door (which is what the OP said) could be taped to the door, laying on the floor inside, or on a table, but it does not matter w/o examining the RE laws of that state.
Indiana Landlord Tenant Laws are stipulated under the Article 31 of Title 32 of Indiana State Code. The Article comprises of all the legal provisions that explain the role of a landlord, the role of a tenant, the obligations and rights of both the parties and how their relationship should be brought into effect, carried out and terminated at the desirable or at an untoward time. The Article takes into account Indiana building norms and all other laws that relate to infrastructure, ownership of properties and fair housing practices.
There are a total of nine chapters in Article 31 that deals with Indiana Landlord Tenant Laws. The chapters discuss distinctly different aspects of the landlord tenant relationship and sheds light on all legal aspects that should be adhered to at all times.
Generally 'holding over' beyond the effective notice period obligates one to the terms, presuming the change is otherwise legal.
No I am not an expert in Indiana RE law - though I have danced on the head of that pin in several other states and been so certified. If you think that gun laws and RKBA are tricky, you should delve into tenant/landlord laws more - there is less black letter law and fewer case history from which to draw.