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Poll Source Of Latest Guns In Starbucks Flap
SEATTLE -- Results of a poll by gun control advocates said the majority of Americans are against customers being able to carry guns into Starbucks locations.The poll by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said 56 percent voted in favor of Starbucks having a no guns policy and 37 percent said they were less likely to go to Starbucks because of its current policy of allowing guns in its stores.The Brady Campaign said that Republicans favored barring guns at Starbucks 50-37; independents wanted a no guns policy at Starbucks 55-30; men favored a no guns policy 48-34; rural residents favored no guns 52-33 and non-college graduates favored a no guns policy at Starbucks 56-30.The controversy started when gun rights activists started wearing their weapons into Starbucks stores in California. Gun control advocates fired back with a petition with 36,000 signatures asking Starbucks to ban guns."I certainly appreciate that people have the right to bear arms, but it’s a coffee shop, it's not a place where you need to bring a weapon," said Starbucks customer Rob Ginter.Starbucks said it can't be expected to have employees enforce a policy that is more restrictive than state law.Lake Research Partners conducted the national poll of 600 registered voters April 26-28. The poll carries a margin of error of plus or minus four percent.The Brady Campaign put more polling data on its website.
Poll Source Of Latest Guns In Starbucks Flap
SEATTLE -- Results of a poll by gun control advocates said the majority of Americans are against customers being able to carry guns into Starbucks locations.The poll by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said 56 percent voted in favor of Starbucks having a no guns policy and 37 percent said they were less likely to go to Starbucks because of its current policy of allowing guns in its stores.The Brady Campaign said that Republicans favored barring guns at Starbucks 50-37; independents wanted a no guns policy at Starbucks 55-30; men favored a no guns policy 48-34; rural residents favored no guns 52-33 and non-college graduates favored a no guns policy at Starbucks 56-30.The controversy started when gun rights activists started wearing their weapons into Starbucks stores in California. Gun control advocates fired back with a petition with 36,000 signatures asking Starbucks to ban guns."I certainly appreciate that people have the right to bear arms, but it’s a coffee shop, it's not a place where you need to bring a weapon," said Starbucks customer Rob Ginter.Starbucks said it can't be expected to have employees enforce a policy that is more restrictive than state law.Lake Research Partners conducted the national poll of 600 registered voters April 26-28. The poll carries a margin of error of plus or minus four percent.The Brady Campaign put more polling data on its website.