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Kohl's issue


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Was in Kohl's yesterday with my wife and 2 year old child, i was on cart duty. I had my pistol openly on my belt as usual. After a while the mangager comes out of the breakroom and happens to glance and see my gun. I get the death look and he comes up to me and gets in my face asking me if i am finding everything OK. I tell him"yes thanks" and he moves like 4ft away pretending not to be obvious he is looking at me. My wife and i keep looking around and shopping for a bit then 5 min later he is there asking me if i could step over and speak with him. I say "sure" and step a few feet away to listen. He goes on to say some of the workers there are worried and uncomfy with me walking around with my gun. He says Kohl's has no policy on guns but basically can i cover it up and am i done shopping? I told him "i would" cover it up but wondered if i did not have a license what could have i done? We went on shopping while he stood there eying us the whole time making me feel like some dirtback with his mini radio in his hand WTF?

As we paid and left he took our cart and escorted us out of the store and followed us halfway to our car?

Last time we shop Kohl's for sure and if my wife had not been there i certainly would have been a bit more less compliant but this stuff is rediculas IMO


Campaign Veteran
Oct 3, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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The only way we end this type of treatment is to say "Yes, I am done shopping. I don't shop at places that treat me with such disrespect when I'm trying to give them my business. You can put all this stuff away, we'll just get it from one of your competitors. Oh, can I have your business card so I can register a formal complaint?"

Covering it up and then finalizing your purchase just reinforces their bad behavior and treatment of open carriers.

I realize having the wife with you is the hardest part about it. My wife doesn't always like it, but we have an agreement that if we're kicked out, we're kicked out, and will refuse to comply with anything they ask (other than to leave).


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Mrgrn wrote:
Was in Kohl's yesterday with my wife and 2 year old child, i was on cart duty. I had my pistol openly on my belt as usual. After a while the mangager comes out of the breakroom and happens to glance and see my gun. I get the death look and he comes up to me and gets in my face asking me if i am finding everything OK. I tell him"yes thanks" and he moves like 4ft away pretending not to be obvious he is looking at me. My wife and i keep looking around and shopping for a bit then 5 min later he is there asking me if i could step over and speak with him. I say "sure" and step a few feet away to listen. He goes on to say some of the workers there are worried and uncomfy with me walking around with my gun. He says Kohl's has no policy on guns but basically can i cover it up and am i done shopping? I told him "i would" cover it up but wondered if i did not have a license what could have i done? We went on shopping while he stood there eying us the whole time making me feel like some dirtback with his mini radio in his hand WTF?

As we paid and left he took our cart and escorted us out of the store and followed us halfway to our car?

Last time we shop Kohl's for sure and if my wife had not been there i certainly would have been a bit more less compliant but this stuff is rediculas IMO
by buying items you just rewarded him and Kohls for treating you like this - next time walk away, complain to higher level manager


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Thanks for the tips.

called today to complain and he was there. He said i scared everybody with my two year old and wife and people should not have to worry if i am mentaly stable and safe to carry a gun.

Last time there for sure and lesson under the belt


Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
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What Kohl's were you in?

The only reason why I ask my girlfriend lives at Kohl's I go to the one in West Lebanon pretty much once a week for some sale they are having on something she has to have...lol Anyway I open carry in there all the time, and I have never been approached or given any :what: from any employee or patron for that matter.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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That whole area seems to be a hot spot. That area seems like it's full of mass transplants and other anti gun people. West Lebanon is a lot better but if the cops think your from out of town/state they go to work with tickets. I know a lot of high school friends and their family that work in West Lebanon and Kohol's. For the most part Kohol's is laid back but I think they just have not seen Jay open carrying because they do have some uptight people who work there that are anti gun. All it will take is one employee to say they feel unsafe and that will be the end of open carrying in West lebs store. Or another shopper to say something then they will ask you to leave and not come back with the weapon. It's a give take it's your right to open carry but it's also their right to not allow you in their store.