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I have read this site for some time, and I figured that I could give it a boost by finally joining up. Matt has done a fantastic job holding the fort here, and I slowly see the place growing.
I grew up here (North of Fort Benton, and Helena), moved away for about 15 years, and then came back. We live out in the sticks, so not only do we OC a pistol, but we OC rifles as well.. them thar nasty evil black ones. Up here we shoot on our own property, but then if you start shootin', you had be prepared for visitors. The neighbors are more than likely to show up and want to start a 'match'. :celebrate
Ya'll have a good day now.
I have read this site for some time, and I figured that I could give it a boost by finally joining up. Matt has done a fantastic job holding the fort here, and I slowly see the place growing.
I grew up here (North of Fort Benton, and Helena), moved away for about 15 years, and then came back. We live out in the sticks, so not only do we OC a pistol, but we OC rifles as well.. them thar nasty evil black ones. Up here we shoot on our own property, but then if you start shootin', you had be prepared for visitors. The neighbors are more than likely to show up and want to start a 'match'. :celebrate
Ya'll have a good day now.