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New NV bill to prohibit all carry at public libraries


Regular Member
May 13, 2008
Sparks, NV, Nevada, USA

No doubt this bill is in response to the previously discussed issues regarding open carry in the libraries. We know they were in the wrong to try and apply the concealed carry in public buildings statute as their defense, and this bill would reconcile the law to protect their desire to prohibit firearms from public libraries. It amends NRS 202.265 that prohibits all firearms on schools, universities and daycare facilities, adds "public libraries" with definition to that statute. Also adds language to NRS 202.3673 to prohibit concealed carriers specifically from carrying inside the library.
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New member
Apr 13, 2009
, ,
So they are banning concealed now as well?
Way to go over the top open long arm carriers I guess?
Reversed any gains made?

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

No doubt this bill is in response to the previously discussed issues regarding open carry in the libraries. We know they were in the wrong to try and apply the concealed carry in public buildings statute as their defense, and this bill would reconcile the law to protect their desire to prohibit firearms from public libraries. It amends NRS 202.265 that prohibits all firearms on schools, universities and daycare facilities, adds "public libraries" with definition to that statute. Also adds language to NRS 202.3673 to prohibit concealed carriers specifically from carrying inside the library.
What ever happened with the "previously discussed issues regarding open carry in the libraries"?

Has the issue been resolved?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

No doubt this bill is in response to the previously discussed issues regarding open carry in the libraries. We know they were in the wrong to try and apply the concealed carry in public buildings statute as their defense, and this bill would reconcile the law to protect their desire to prohibit firearms from public libraries. It amends NRS 202.265 that prohibits all firearms on schools, universities and daycare facilities, adds "public libraries" with definition to that statute. Also adds language to NRS 202.3673 to prohibit concealed carriers specifically from carrying inside the library.

might i get clarification so i might get a better understanding regarding your post:
1. where was 'previously discussed issues' previously discussed?
2. who might 'WE' actually encompass?
3. what specifically was 'known' in what context to the projected bill in the NV legislature?
4. who might 'they' be?
5. what was done 'wrong'

as you can see by the confusion factor and needless finger point in the next poster's commentary about, quote: ...open long arm carriers... unquote.


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Regular Member
May 13, 2008
Sparks, NV, Nevada, USA
1. Many threads dealing with library carry if you simply search "library" in this sub-forum.

2. "We" in my context would be carriers who felt the board the oversees libraries in the state acted improperly in the past discussed events.

3. It was "known" that open carry was not actually prohibited in the past. And context of this bill, specifically naming public libraries, is apparent in being a direct result of past issues.

4. "They" being all actors who improperly applied a law, from board members to officers involved (again, search the issue because there is a lot to go over back from 2015/2016 on this issue of you weren't already following).

5. Don't know how you mean your question. To shortly sum up the issue, OC'ers were booted from Clark County libraries unlawfully, with both officers and the library system claiming the authority under a law that prohibits conceal carry permit holders from carrying concealed. Public buildings (defined as government owned) are not lawfully allowed to prevent OC in this state, yet many do.

I thank you for your interest, but there no "needless" finger pointing occurring and anyone who is an active member of this Nevada section knows about the library issue and knows what I'm talking about.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
, ,
And I am from Texas and we had a large group of trouble makers walking around with long arms deliberately frightening people and I wondered if thats what had happened.
I am pro concealed carry/open carry and do both on a regular basis here in the great state of Texas.
Was just a simple question.
Sorry if I caused confusion jfrey was never my intent.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
thank you for the clarification(s)...already eliminating confusion...

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Regular Member
May 13, 2008
Sparks, NV, Nevada, USA
No worries Lonestar, since we talk often on other forums and this is the first time you've found your way to OCDO (I suspect since Tapatalk popped it up in your feed randomly lol).


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
... To shortly sum up the issue, OC'ers were booted from Clark County libraries unlawfully, with both officers and the library system claiming the authority under a law that prohibits conceal carry permit holders from carrying concealed. Public buildings (defined as government owned) are not lawfully allowed to prevent OC in this state, yet many do. ...
So I take it that the matter has yet to be resolved?

Wasn't there a woman prosecuted for OCing in a library? What became of that?

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX

I'm sorry to hear about this recent posting. I figured this would happen and I'm guessing more than likely it will pass. They block our rights in the schools to save the children. Now they will block them to save the children again in the Libraries. Next they will add the parks, then in public anywhere children are, and finally in your home if you have children.

I have recently taken my kids to the doctor for checkups, and they ask many intrusive questions about family/home life including firearms. My response of course is that their questions have nothing to do whether or not my kid needs his tonsils out. The answer I got from the last nurse was, "I agree whole heatedly, but I'm required to ask."

The grabbers are using the kids as a tool to usurp our natural rights. All rights are in danger and not just 2nd Amendment.

Good luck to my friends in Nevada. I hope you can fight them off.

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Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
TBG, I made darn sure that they senators have the full story and it makes it into the record. Worst case scenario, at least the truth is preserved for history and future generations.


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014

Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017 1:30PM
Room 2134 of the Legislature Building in Carson City
Room 4412 Grant Sawyer Building, Las Vegas

Be there or be square! But if you can't be there, please write a letter to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Bill feedback form

Comments are currently like 88% OPPOSED to the bill.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Whilst pursuing another subject i tripped over some relevant updates conerning the infamous NV OC in a library debacle...
Quote 28 Dec 18 NV Carry article:

The long-standing dispute with the Las Vegas Clark County Library District (LVCCLD) has been settled Flores v. LVCCLD. I’m not going to dissect the opinion piece by piece. I might later, but to do so is moot at this point.

The short version is that for years, LVCCLD has ignored state law that only prohibits concealed carry in public buildings, when posted. Open carry is legal in public buildings per NRS 202.3673, except local districts—like library districts—that have rules against it (according to the Flores decision).

What the court decided, was that because local districts are not specifically mentioned in each of the sections pertaining to counties, cities, and towns, that the legislature really didn’t intend to limit the ability of the odd local district, like library districts, to ban legal open carry. The court found the right hoops to jump through to make shit stick to the wall, but hey, no one ever said that lawyers were honest or decent human beings.

Obviously, this is wrong and the dissent points this out. The other wording of the bill (and the resulting NRS section) clearly indicates that firearm regulation is reserved only to the legislature, not a board of unelected, hand-picked cronies. Justice Cherry calls out the other “justices” for basically ignoring clear legislative intent. The dissent also notes the plethora of case law from other states affirming preemption and that the odd government entity does not have special powers. Unquote...

Read more here https://forum.opencarry.org/index.p...rohibit-all-carry-at-public-libraries.134781/

BTW garand_guy, nicely done website...kudos
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Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
Thanks, Solus.

Kind of kick in the nuts, but hey, tyranny, you know?

But seriously, I came in here and saw this with the 2019 Legislature about to start and thought, oh no, not again!


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
sincerest apologies

https://www.nevadacarry.org/blog scroll down a bit to the library blurb...

Bad finger, bad, hit the wrong site, bad...
That seriously sucks.

KY handled this kind of situation by refining their preemption statute to be *extremely* broad in naming governmental entities - but according to the blog, the author holds out little hope for that happening in NV.

So sad.


Jan 16, 2020

I'm sorry to hear about this recent posting. I figured this would happen and I'm guessing more than likely it will pass. They block our rights in the schools to save the children. Now they will block them to save the children again in the Libraries. Next they will add the parks, then in public anywhere children are, and finally in your home if you have children.

I have recently taken my kids to the doctor for checkups, and they ask many intrusive questions about family/home life including firearms. My response of course is that their questions have nothing to do whether or not my kid needs his tonsils out. The answer I got from the last nurse was, "I agree whole heatedly, but I'm required to ask."

The grabbers are using the kids as a tool to usurp our natural rights. All rights are in danger and not just 2nd Amendment.

Good luck to my friends in Nevada. I hope you can fight them off.

I agree Big Guy, your right on target !