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Story Updated: Sep 26, 2010 at 7:11 PM PDT
WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly half of the guns that crossed state lines and were used in crimes in 2009 were sold in just 10 states, according to a report being released Monday by a mayors' group.
Those states accounted for nearly 21,000 guns connected to crimes in other states, said the survey by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an association of more than 500 mayors led by New York's Michael Bloomberg and Boston's Thomas Menino.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced more than 145,000 guns used in crimes in 2009 and found that more than 43,000 of those weapons were sold in other states.
Forty-nine percent of those guns were sold in Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California or Arizona.
States were also ranked by the number of crime guns exported per 100,000 inhabitants. Mississippi led that list, followed by West Virginia, Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada and Georgia.
Those states, the report said, have more relaxed gun laws, suggesting that "criminals and gun traffickers may favor certain states as the sources of guns."
For example, in states that do not require background checks for handgun sales at gun shows, the crime-gun export rate was two-and-a-half times as much as the rate in states that do require such checks.
Report: 10 states sell half of imported crime gunsHowardBeale Wrote:
Well wait a minute, look at the list of states:
Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California or Arizona
California - #1 state by population - BLUE
Texas - #2 state by population - RED
Florida - #4 state by population - PURPLE
Pennsylvania - #6 state by population - BLUE
Ohio - #7 state by population - PURPLE
Georgia - #9 state by population - RED
North Carolina - #10 state by population - RED
These seven states have a population of 124 million people. The entire list has a population of 145 million people. With a population of 307 million (US estimate 2009) that means these 10 states on the list has 47% of the population. This is a great example of if you torture numbers long and hard enough, they will confess anything you want to hear. 47% of the population in the United States lives in 10 states, and 49% of the illegal guns purchased come from that 47% of the population. There is no real story here.
This isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue either, there are blue and red states and states that straddle the line. There isn't any issue here, the math per CAPITA adds up. No kidding 10% of these states are responsible for 49% of the guns, 47% of the people live there, and a 2% statistical variance is not significant.
Story Updated: Sep 26, 2010 at 7:11 PM PDT
WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly half of the guns that crossed state lines and were used in crimes in 2009 were sold in just 10 states, according to a report being released Monday by a mayors' group.
Those states accounted for nearly 21,000 guns connected to crimes in other states, said the survey by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an association of more than 500 mayors led by New York's Michael Bloomberg and Boston's Thomas Menino.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced more than 145,000 guns used in crimes in 2009 and found that more than 43,000 of those weapons were sold in other states.
Forty-nine percent of those guns were sold in Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California or Arizona.
States were also ranked by the number of crime guns exported per 100,000 inhabitants. Mississippi led that list, followed by West Virginia, Kentucky, Alaska, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada and Georgia.
Those states, the report said, have more relaxed gun laws, suggesting that "criminals and gun traffickers may favor certain states as the sources of guns."
For example, in states that do not require background checks for handgun sales at gun shows, the crime-gun export rate was two-and-a-half times as much as the rate in states that do require such checks.