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NH man carrying guns prompts school lockdown


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
Considering he had a rifle (actually shotgun) on his shoulder along with an ammo belt and a handgun on his side I would say that if I had seen him I would definitely had done something if nothing more than watch him closely. This was while school was letting out so gives every impression that it could be someone ready to take out a bunch of school children. If he had only had the handgun it would have been a different stroy but this was someone out of the norm so yes I say it may have been some overreaction but not much. It was a dumb thing for him to do as far as I am concerned whether or not he had a right to do it or not and whether it was legal or not.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2008
Swanzey,NH, ,
Considering he had a rifle (actually shotgun) on his shoulder along with an ammo belt and a handgun on his side I would say that if I had seen him I would definitely had done something if nothing more than watch him closely. This was while school was letting out so gives every impression that it could be someone ready to take out a bunch of school children. If he had only had the handgun it would have been a different stroy but this was someone out of the norm so yes I say it may have been some overreaction but not much. It was a dumb thing for him to do as far as I am concerned whether or not he had a right to do it or not and whether it was legal or not.

GET REAL, That kind of thinking only supports the action that was taken.

The action taken supports and ingrains the fear of firearms in the students.

No law broken, no action needed, If you feel that something needed to be done how about an unmarked police unit to keep an eye on things, with the ability to react accordingly.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2008
Swanzey,NH, ,
He did break the law. 18 USC 922(q) to be exact.

Given the TOTALITY of the circumstances, I would have been concerned.

WRONG!!!! No where does it mention about being on school grounds. The side walk is part of the right of way for travel. 18 USC 922(q) does not apply.

So again NO LAW BROKEN, Be concerned yes, but can be done with out a lock down and massive show of force.


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2008
Louisiana, USA


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2008
Swanzey,NH, ,
Do you even know what 18 USC 922(q) says?

He did NOT have to be ON school grounds! He only had to be on public property within 1000 feet of school property (not even within 1000 feet of the building, but within 1000' of the property!)



Do you think I care anymore???

And since it is Federal Law it requires a "Federal Officer" to enforce it. as per the agruement being used in Arizona now dealing with the COMMENT REMOVED BY ADMINISTRATOR: Inappropriate borders.


Regular Member
Dec 23, 2008
Fairfax County, VA
I could understand sending an extra patrol car through the area, or maybe asking the fellow why he opted not to bother with a rifle case, but school lockdown? Certainly an over-reaction, in my opinion.


Regular Member
Sep 1, 2008
New Hampshire
I could understand sending an extra patrol car through the area, or maybe asking the fellow why he opted not to bother with a rifle case, but school lockdown? Certainly an over-reaction, in my opinion.

Doesn't surprise me. In this touchy/feely day and age, they lock schools down if someone farts in the wind.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
I could understand sending an extra patrol car through the area, or maybe asking the fellow why he opted not to bother with a rifle case, but school lockdown? Certainly an over-reaction, in my opinion.

With multi-million dollar lawsuits over the fact that they considered the first shooting at VT an isolated incident and didn't lock down the entire state of Virginia I can understand why the school lockdown. You have a man standing in the street getting ready to use the school children for target practice as you are going out to ask him why he didn't put his gun in a case?

Sure it wound up being some idiot walking around with a gun on his shoulder, one on his hip and don't forget about all the extra ammo in the belt around his chest but how was anyone to know before he started shooting what he was up to. Maybe it was Leonard Embody and his AK-47 just trying to make a point or maybe it was Son of Cho or one of his followers. People have been known to just walk up to groups of people and start shooting, usually carrying lots of extra ammo.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
People have been known to just walk up to groups of people and start shooting, usually carrying lots of extra ammo.
And how many of those shooters were just casually be-bopping down the sidewalk with their guns in full view?

Careful now: you're making the anti-OC argument just because you'd decided this guy is "some idiot", rather than a man headed home with his guns. The same can be said about any of us just for having a legally holstered and openly carried handgun.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
And how many of those shooters were just casually be-bopping down the sidewalk with their guns in full view?

Careful now: you're making the anti-OC argument just because you'd decided this guy is "some idiot", rather than a man headed home with his guns. The same can be said about any of us just for having a legally holstered and openly carried handgun.

At the University of Texas shooting the shooter carried a trunk full of guns in plain view up the stairs to the top of the tower. I know your point but to guarantee that because someone has their guns in full view they are law abiding good guys is not always a good idea. How many of these shooters have their guns hidden while shooting. I seem to remember that the kid in a mall a couple of years ago walked in with his rifle in full view. Also there is a difference between a handgun in a holster and a rifle woith bandolier slung across the shoulder. Hopefully one is very common where the other is not.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2008
Swanzey,NH, ,
With true freedom there are risks that accompany it. Are we so willing to give up our freedom and shelter our fears, Or are going to face those fears and enjoy the freedom that it brings.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
At the University of Texas shooting the shooter carried a trunk full of guns in plain view up the stairs to the top of the tower.
Whitman's guns were not in plain view, they were in the trunk!

I know your point but to guarantee that because someone has their guns in full view they are law abiding good guys is not always a good idea.
I don't make that assumption. I also don't assume that someone carrying a rifle while on foot is "some idiot" who deserves police investigation.