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OC in Minneapolis Suburbs


May 23, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
I am a 23-year-old female who just graduated with a master's in criminal justice. I've been wanting to carry a gun since I was a teenager, and I did extensive research while I was in college so that I would be ready to carry once I was free from gun-free zone campuses (I always lived on campus). I finally bought a Ruger SR9c before I went off for my last year of school in August. I took a class during winter break and then applied for my permit during spring break, and I now have it. I have done my research, and I want to open carry most of the time. I returned home to my family a week ago. I am exited about starting to carry, but my parents (who still hold authority over me) don't share my enthusiasm.

I don't have a job yet, so I haven't been out much during the week. I've been carrying at home and during my daily walk along the walking path down the block (where I've had no problems). I thought I'd get the chance to really OC today. I live in Edina. Every Saturday, my family and I go shopping together for groceries (Aldi, trader Joe's, and/or Walmart) and whatever else we may need at the mall (Southdale or Eden Prairie Center), and we often go out for dinner. My parents are very pro-gun. My dad even wants to get a gun himself once he can afford it. However, today they made me disarm before we went on our shopping trip. I got into a small argument with my dad and ultimately complied. His problem appears to be with me OCing and not carrying in general. I would have preferred to conceal rather than disarm, but I do not yet have an IWB holster, and there is no way I can hide a gun in my Blackhawk serpa holster in the summer.

My dad is not convinced that OC is safer than CC, but his main concern is the reaction of others. He seems convinced that I'm going to cause a scene. He said most businesses will not like it if I carry a gun in their store (apparently, even if there is no visible sign). He also thinks people will scream or someone will complain and I'll get several security guards surrounding me with their guns pointed at me. I told him that most people on this forum reported no such experiences, but he chastised me and said that doesn't mean it can't happen. He said I shouldn't stir the pot if I can avoid it. Apparently, OC will bring me nothing but trouble. His one solution hr offered is to ask the security guards at the mall if they would allow me to a carry a gun (better safe than sorry, as he says).

Does anyone here have any experience carrying specifically in the Minneapolis suburbs (mostly Edina, Eden Prairie, Richfield, and Bloomington)? I know the MOA is different, but malls don't outright ban guns, do they? What is the most negative reaction I can reasonably expect? What can I tell my dad to help alleviate his fears? It's frustrating because I've been looking forward to carrying all year, and I thought my dad would be on my side. What was the point of going trough all the hoops to get my permit if I can never carry? I believe he's overreacting. This is Minneapolis, not Chicago or NYC. Any help would be appreciated.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
Some things take longer than others

Your dad's reaction is very admirable, because he is acting like a DAD!! I believe in open carry, my children believe in open carry, my wife, etc. etc. But, there would be butterflies in my stomach if I saw one of my kiddos open carrying the same way there were butterflies the first time I saw them ride a bike, drive a car, go to the gun range, and so on. Heck, I was nervous the first time my children (as adults) shared a cigar with me on our front porch. Remember, almost all dads have this "protectiveness" about their children no matter what age. My suggestion would be to attend a few open carry breakfasts, luncheons, and/or picnics, perhaps even coordinated by you. Then, you might want to ask your dad to come to one with you, and he could see the "typical" people who open carry. It may take a while to get your dad to grudgingly accept your choices, and he may never; but remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I strongly believe your dad will come around especially if you are patient ( I know this can be difficult) - One step at a time

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis

23 yr old
parents still have control

Masters in Criminal Justice
no job

cant CC cause no proper holster

1 post..

buy a holster
get a job
move out of parent control

+ 1 a women with a master in CJ would be hired by any PD in an instant lots of PDs around MPLs area

Some thing doesn't past the smell test here

Dian Mullis

Regular Member
May 8, 2015
I am also a female and I live in the Minneapolis suburbs, but I live in Otsego, farther North than you. I'd be happy to meet up with your family while I'm OCing just to show your Dad that it's OK and while, yes, I have been asked to leave once (see my Kohl's thread) but 99% of the time, people glance at me then ignore me...so you can PM me if you want to meet up.

I agree about a proper holster 100%...

I am also a little apprehensive about your post, as most girls don't grow up to be pro-gun and want to open OC without having a Daddy who owned a few guns...my Dad has SEVERAL. :lol:


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I was at a wedding this weekend in Eden Prairie. OCed into and out of the Courtyard Marriott, Walmart, Target, Walgreens and Baker's Square. Concealed at the wedding at the white barn across from the Eden Prairie airport, I forget the name. Got a few looks but no panic, however we kept moving as not trying to be noticed specifically. I don't think the check in lady at Marriott even noticed as I walked up close to the desk before she really looked up. I will say that I get taken for LE a lot.

I would say I got a few more looks than I normally do, but that is comparing rural northern Wisconsin to Metro Minnesota, to be honest I expected it to be more extreme.

I too find some possible issues with your story, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You need to get a holster that you can conceal. I'm not convinced that OC is "safer" than CC. It's different, some places I OC, at the wedding itself I CCed not due to safety, but possibly inappropriate. I'm on the grooms side, and don't know bride's side at all. Some places I CC, and I would CC if that was my only option. I have kids 25 and 27 and if they were living under my roof I would expect them to abide by my rules, to some extent. (I don't know that firearms would be on my list, but I would have some for sure!). You got a lot of things going on here. I'm not a big fan of permitted open carry, but I got my MN permit recently. To be honest, it doesn't sound like your Dad is all that pro gun to me. He wants one when he can afford it? Maybe he's a shotgun guy and not into handguns? Your post caused me to have more questions than it answered I think.

So, bottom line a concealable holster is $100.00 or less. Should be easy to find one for your firearm. Carry that way if it makes Dad happy while you're under his roof. I have more to say, but typing on my phone is a pain. I want to say the MOA is no guns allowed, but I basically refuse to go there anyway. Been there once and made sure I didn't forget anything so I didn't need to go back.
Last edited:


May 23, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Your dad's reaction is very admirable, because he is acting like a DAD!! I believe in open carry, my children believe in open carry, my wife, etc. etc. But, there would be butterflies in my stomach if I saw one of my kiddos open carrying the same way there were butterflies the first time I saw them ride a bike, drive a car, go to the gun range, and so on. Heck, I was nervous the first time my children (as adults) shared a cigar with me on our front porch. Remember, almost all dads have this "protectiveness" about their children no matter what age. My suggestion would be to attend a few open carry breakfasts, luncheons, and/or picnics, perhaps even coordinated by you. Then, you might want to ask your dad to come to one with you, and he could see the "typical" people who open carry. It may take a while to get your dad to grudgingly accept your choices, and he may never; but remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I strongly believe your dad will come around especially if you are patient ( I know this can be difficult) - One step at a time

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I did not think about it that way. An open carry event does sound like a good idea. I think it would be helpful for him to talk to someone who open carries since all his gun loving friends are for concealed carry only. I'll see if I can work something like that out. Until then, I will try to CC. For all those who brought it up: I did buy a concealable holster, and it is in the mail. I was a nearly broke college student when I bought my gun and the accessories last summer, and I nearly spent all my savings buying only the essentials. I always planned to have a CC carry holster for when I need to conceal, especially when I wear a dress/skirt. Sorry I left that bit of information out in my first post.

+ 1 a women with a master in CJ would be hired by any PD in an instant lots of PDs around MPLs area

Some thing doesn't past the smell test here

You think I'm lying? I have zero interest in going into law enforcement. My interest is in corrections. I want to work in re-entry (like probation/parole, though I can't get that job in MN without experience in corrections) or with at risk kids. I have been looking for a job, but it's hard to get one right out of college in my specific area unless I get a job as a correctional officer, which is only slightly more appealing than law enforcement. I've only been home a week... It takes most grads months to get a good job these days.

Also, I went to school in Kentucky. All of my job connections are back there. I could easily get a job there, but I do not have the means to move out yet. Free room and board at home while I save up some money and start to pay back loans is too good to pass up.

I am also a female and I live in the Minneapolis suburbs, but I live in Otsego, farther North than you. I'd be happy to meet up with your family while I'm OCing just to show your Dad that it's OK and while, yes, I have been asked to leave once (see my Kohl's thread) but 99% of the time, people glance at me then ignore me...so you can PM me if you want to meet up.

I agree about a proper holster 100%...

I am also a little apprehensive about your post, as most girls don't grow up to be pro-gun and want to open OC without having a Daddy who owned a few guns...my Dad has SEVERAL. :lol:

Thanks. That would be cool. I may take you up on that later.

I suppose my family and I are a little unique. My dad likes guns, but he never considered getting one himself until recently. Years ago I asked him why we had no guns in the house and he had no good answer. I guess he didn't grow up with them so he didn't consider it crucial and had little motivation to get any. My interest came from my own research. I am extremely political and have been researching various political issues, including gun rights, since I was in high school.

I was at a wedding this weekend in Eden Prairie. OCed into and out of the Courtyard Marriott, Walmart, Target, Walgreens and Baker's Square. Concealed at the wedding at the white barn across from the Eden Prairie airport, I forget the name. Got a few looks but no panic, however we kept moving as not trying to be noticed specifically. I don't think the check in lady at Marriott even noticed as I walked up close to the desk before she really looked up. I will say that I get taken for LE a lot.

I would say I got a few more looks than I normally do, but that is comparing rural northern Wisconsin to Metro Minnesota, to be honest I expected it to be more extreme.

I too find some possible issues with your story, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You need to get a holster that you can conceal. I'm not convinced that OC is "safer" than CC. It's different, some places I OC, at the wedding itself I CCed not due to safety, but possibly inappropriate. I'm on the grooms side, and don't know bride's side at all. Some places I CC, and I would CC if that was my only option. I have kids 25 and 27 and if they were living under my roof I would expect them to abide by my rules, to some extent. (I don't know that firearms would be on my list, but I would have some for sure!). You got a lot of things going on here. I'm not a big fan of permitted open carry, but I got my MN permit recently. To be honest, it doesn't sound like your Dad is all that pro gun to me. He wants one when he can afford it? Maybe he's a shotgun guy and not into handguns? Your post caused me to have more questions than it answered I think.

Alright. That's good. Thank you for the info.

Yes, I know I have to follow their rules. That's why I want to try to persuade them to think differently. My dad likes handguns, but he hasn't been around them much. He just got a good paying job recently. He was out of work for two years, and we barely had enough to get by. Food and shelter come first...

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
My interest is in corrections. I want to work in re-entry (like probation/parole, though I can't get that job in MN without experience in corrections) or with at risk kids. I have been looking for a job, but it's hard to get one right out of college in my specific area unless I get a job as a correctional officer, which is only slightly more appealing than law enforcement. I've only been home a week... It takes most grads months to get a good job these days.

The MN prison system is begging for COs the problem might be you want to start at the top, female with a masters in CJ should be a shoe in.

Here's some advice for some one who worked in the state system and retired from it.

Grab any state or federal job you can get no matter how much you don't like it. Once in the system and your off probation start the transfer process it is a lot easier to transfer into a job you want and like then coming off the street.

You well be a much better PO if you have some real life experience in the prison system or on the street as a LEO.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I told both our kids I would buy them a firearm, safe, holster, and some ammo if they got their carry license. Daughter is in Albuquerque and has a Ruger SP101. She conceals but does not open carry, that inam aware of. I'm concerned for her safety as ABQ is not the safest city in the world, and being in music she goes into some not great places late at night.

Just got our son a HK VP9 at 25 years old. He is in central Wisconsin, probably a lot safer all around. I took both of them to a 4 hour individual safety class with a local NRA instructor beforehand.

It's a balancing act as a parent. You want your kids safe, you want them to be responsible adults. A firearm could help them stay safe, but there is also the chance that something bad could happen with it as well. It's always at the back of my mind when I'm carrying. The what if game......I'm the type of person that gets to think out all possible scenarios, and have some planned course of action in mind. My wife is pretty much the opposite, she doesn't want to waste her time on what ifs that may never happen. Kids kind of in the middle, but probably more like her. Your Dad is concerned for your safety, and still working out the balance of bad things could happen with a gun, but worse things could happen without one. Give him some time if this is all relatively new to him. If he is not hands on frequently with firearms I suspect it will take longer. Any chance the two of you could go to a range together and do some shooting?


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...I told him that most people on this forum reported no such experiences, but he chastised me and said that doesn't mean it can't happen...
Does your Dad drive a car? Does he know that he might be involved in an accident, regardless of the precautions he takes - yet he STILL does it? What kind of a nut is he, anyway?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


May 23, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
My interest is in corrections. I want to work in re-entry (like probation/parole, though I can't get that job in MN without experience in corrections) or with at risk kids. I have been looking for a job, but it's hard to get one right out of college in my specific area unless I get a job as a correctional officer, which is only slightly more appealing than law enforcement. I've only been home a week... It takes most grads months to get a good job these days.

The MN prison system is begging for COs the problem might be you want to start at the top, female with a masters in CJ should be a shoe in.

Here's some advice for some one who worked in the state system and retired from it.

Grab any state or federal job you can get no matter how much you don't like it. Once in the system and your off probation start the transfer process it is a lot easier to transfer into a job you want and like then coming off the street.

You well be a much better PO if you have some real life experience in the prison system or on the street as a LEO.

I have thought about that. Applying for a CO job is my backup plan if I can't find anything more local (aren't most CO jobs outside the Cities?). At that point, though, I'd rather go back to Kentucky or even over to Wisconsin. For reasons I won't mention here, I don't want to stay in Minnesota and plan to leave as soon as I am able. I would prefer not to get caught up in the Minnesota state system if I'm just going to leave in a year or two. Thanks for the advice though. If I am able to relocate soon, that may be what I end up doing.

I told both our kids I would buy them a firearm, safe, holster, and some ammo if they got their carry license. Daughter is in Albuquerque and has a Ruger SP101. She conceals but does not open carry, that inam aware of. I'm concerned for her safety as ABQ is not the safest city in the world, and being in music she goes into some not great places late at night.

Just got our son a HK VP9 at 25 years old. He is in central Wisconsin, probably a lot safer all around. I took both of them to a 4 hour individual safety class with a local NRA instructor beforehand.

It's a balancing act as a parent. You want your kids safe, you want them to be responsible adults. A firearm could help them stay safe, but there is also the chance that something bad could happen with it as well. It's always at the back of my mind when I'm carrying. The what if game......I'm the type of person that gets to think out all possible scenarios, and have some planned course of action in mind. My wife is pretty much the opposite, she doesn't want to waste her time on what ifs that may never happen. Kids kind of in the middle, but probably more like her. Your Dad is concerned for your safety, and still working out the balance of bad things could happen with a gun, but worse things could happen without one. Give him some time if this is all relatively new to him. If he is not hands on frequently with firearms I suspect it will take longer. Any chance the two of you could go to a range together and do some shooting?

I understand what you're saying. I tend to roam around cities alone, which my parents hate. They always worry about my safety. My solution was carrying a gun, but that does have its problems as well. My mom has a more emotional reaction to me carrying a gun, and my dad over-analyzes everything that could happen. My family did go shooting together last summer. I could definitely get my dad to go with me again, and that may be a good idea.

Does your Dad drive a car? Does he know that he might be involved in an accident, regardless of the precautions he takes - yet he STILL does it? What kind of a nut is he, anyway?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah, exactly. lol My dad is a rational guy. If we could sit down and have a civil conversation, I think I can give him some things to think about. He was in his "don't question me" mode when we had our last discussion. I have to find the right time to bring it up.


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
If you have not, get a Minnesota carry permit

You need a permit to carry outside of your own property in Minnesota.

I have not seen any reference to obtaining one.

You should get one before you start carrying, if you do not have one yet.

If you already have one, great.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
You need a permit to carry outside of your own property in Minnesota.

I have not seen any reference to obtaining one.

You should get one before you start carrying, if you do not have one yet.

If you already have one, great.

She said she went to be class and obtained the permit in her first paragraph of first post.

Permits for open carry never made any sense to me, but I see it is what Texas is doing. And Iowa as well. MN does not recognize a Wisconsin License, but I believe WI does recognize a MN permit. As a side note, the ability to get a Conceal Carry License in Wisconsin with nothing more than your Hunter Safety Course paperwork from 25 years ago seems to limit many states from recognizing it. That along with no live fire required if you go that route. NRA Basic Pistol does require live fire, but as long as they will accept the Hunter Safety I suspect we are going to get rejected by a few states. I sat through a couple of those with my kids and no real mention even of a handgun. Not saying I agree with this at all, just the way it is right now. WI can open carry without a permit or license, but not in MN.


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
You are right.

She said she went to be class and obtained the permit in her first paragraph of first post.

Permits for open carry never made any sense to me, but I see it is what Texas is doing. And Iowa as well. MN does not recognize a Wisconsin License, but I believe WI does recognize a MN permit. As a side note, the ability to get a Conceal Carry License in Wisconsin with nothing more than your Hunter Safety Course paperwork from 25 years ago seems to limit many states from recognizing it. That along with no live fire required if you go that route. NRA Basic Pistol does require live fire, but as long as they will accept the Hunter Safety I suspect we are going to get rejected by a few states. I sat through a couple of those with my kids and no real mention even of a handgun. Not saying I agree with this at all, just the way it is right now. WI can open carry without a permit or license, but not in MN.

I thought I had read that she had, but then I missed it the second time...

I have made lots of mistakes, just add this one to the list...


May 23, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Update: I have not had a discussion with my parents yet, but I have been conceal carrying. My owb holster conceals well under a windbreaker, which I have been needing lately due to the weather. I also now have an iwb holster that conceals pretty well. I'll try to work on getting my parents used to the idea of open carrying when I can. just got a job working as a camp counselor 60 miles north of here. It's not a permanent job, but it will give me good experience working with diverse youth.

How about an OC event in between near Vadnais Heights/White Bear Lake sometime July 2 or 3rd. I'll be in that area and would love to meet up.

That would be fun, but I don't think I'll be able to make it due to my new schedule. Maybe some other time. :)

Space stormy

Jun 4, 2015
I am new to carrying, may I ask a question?

I am new to the whole conceal and open carry. I have my permit and have been taking, well, baby steps to get used to carrying. Just going out for walks and such while conceal carrying to try and get used to it. I guess the one question I never asked at the class which I don't recall them stating is can you carry a loaded handgun, concealed, with your permit to carry. I know it is probably a stupid question and I should have asked during the class but I didn't.
Does anybody have any advice on how to become more comfortable with it? I'm not certain I want to open carry. I know it is my right but wonder how to become more comfortable doing that as well.
I appreciate anything you can share with me about your knowledge and experience. I am the only person besides my wife in my family and group of friends interested in this topic so I'm limited in my exposure to others who share the same interest beyond going to a gun range and being around other people who shoot.
Are there any groups or get together a of like minded people in the crystal area? I would like to get involved if there are.