Regular Member
Has anyone else noticed the absence of anyone from TN responding here? See our problem then? It seems that most good folks of TN are fine with the somewhat messed up laws we have on this subject. I originally came from MI. and was used to a lot more OC freedom than what I moved to here in TN. Its not perfect here but for the most part OC is accepted and the LEO are pretty good with knowing the law. My question on this concerns the issue of having the permit in your possession at all times when armed and shall display it upon request to a LEO. To me that does not mean I hand it over to them, I just let them see it and retain possession. I have OCed all over my little town and out around the area and have never had an encounter with LE. They have seen me yes, and don't bat an eye. I would love to have a more vocal movement concerning changing the unconstitutional restrictions we have here in TN. Alas, I admit to not doing enough myself. I just OC all over town and I have never seen anyone else do it around here.