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Open Carry Courage


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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hlh wrote:
I'm not new to guns, but I'm new to CC and OC. Just when I was beginning to get used to CC the WX turned warm and made CC much more difficult. This situation pushed my toward OC but I'm taking it slow, and when I'm uncomforatble with it I just lock it in the car safe.
What kind of "car safe" do you have? I don't trust the glove box on my car, and the glove box on my wife's car doesn't even lock. Although I very rarely leave my pistol in a car unattended.

Gray Peterson

Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 12, 2006
Lynnwood, Washington, USA
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ilbob, Mike is talking about Pennsylvania. The body of law in PA is this:

PA is an open carry state without an LTCF or other recognized permit only on foot (with the exception of the city of Philadelphia). If you open or conceal carry a handgun in your car you must have a license to carry issued by ANY state. This also applies to Philadelphia too.

In the city of Philadelphia, you need a PA LTCF or other recognized LTCF from other state to open carry on foot (any state LTC rule applies in your car). City of Philadelphia, if it were it's own state seperate from PA, would be considered a "Licensed Open Carry" State with the manner of state law that applies to it.

In Philadelphia, a law enforcement officer can ask to see your LTCF if you're open carrying on foot, the same with any law enforcement officer who sees you open carrying and you get into a car anywhere in the state (LTCF/recognized versus any state rule applies here). This is the same way in any "Licensed Open Carry" states, such as TN, GA, IA, MN, IN, UT. A LEO can ask to see your permit, and since most people do drive in PA if they own firearms, it is at least a legitimate request if you stated that you were driving.


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA
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When I first started carrying concealed, I felt like a 14 year old girl wearing a mini skirt in public for the first time. That lasted about two days, and now I feel naked without my weapon. I will be in Virginia for two weeks this month and intend to OC the entire time (at least when I am not in uniform and on Ft Lee). I would much prefer to carry open, BUT here in the fine state of Missouri, you take a hugh risk OCing since we are exposed to a myriad of city ordinances governing OC. It is complete BS. We have firearms preemption with the exception of OC.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2006
Mebane, North Carolina, USA
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Mike wrote:
I usually carry an object in my carry hand - car keys, coffee cup, etc - just makes seem more normal to give that hand somthing to do, and in the back of my mind, I feel that if anyone ever lied and said I touched my grip in a threatening manner, I will be able to testify that this is not possible as I was holding a ___ in my carry hand the entire time as any surveillance tape or witness will attest to.

For the purposes stated, this is a good idea, but another thing to consider is having your shooting hand ready if needed. In my Florida LE training (other states probably teach the same) I was taught to keep my hands ready to defend myself, whether to block a punch or to draw my sidearm. Maintain a natural posture, but keep your hands in front of you and above your waist. It feels a little awkward at first, but in time, it will feel natural. If it feels natural to you, it will appear natural to others. If your hands are otherwise occupied, or (God forbid) in your pockets, you lose valuable time in an attack. This is particularly important with OC, as there is no question whether you are armed or not. This has stuck with me, even though I never pursued a career in law enforcement. My $0.02.


Campaign Veteran
May 8, 2006
Fairfax County, VA, ,
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Hi, jimwyant. I feel the some way about having the free hand. Carry yourself naturally, but be alert and ready. It will come naturally.


Regular Member
Jun 15, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
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I believe what he had in mind in suggesting carrying something in your gun hand is that it helps people noticing you for the first time "relax".

Yes, having your strong hand free to draw is a good thing but heck if you're carrying your car keys or a cup of coffee in your hand and you "need" to draw your sidearm, you can always open your hand and just drop them while going for your weapon.

The idea he was putting across is simply easing the concerns of those unarmed citizens in your immediate vicinity who might get nervous. For myself, I always practice Situational Awareness whether I'm carrying concealed or open, and it makes good sense to do so. However, when open carrying one of the factors to keep in mind is whether or not your carry method is making others fearful of their own safety.

If enough of us Open Carry on a regular basis, people will be less sensetive to it eventually.


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I agree. The general consensus among the open carry proponents here in Arizona seems to be that the more people see normal folks going about their daily routines while openly carrying a firearm the more the unarmed public will become desensitized to it and recognize it as just "no big deal." This has especially become more acute within the last couple of years with the large influx of newcomers moving to Arizona, mainly from California.Arizona has a heritage of being gun-friendly and many feel it's a "use it or lose it" proposition. If we don't exercise our rights the day may come when we won't have them anymore.



Regular Member
Sep 21, 2006
Stafford, Virginia, USA
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EagleFiveZero wrote:
Yes, having your strong hand free to draw is a good thing but heck if you're carrying your car keys or a cup of coffee in your hand and you "need" to draw your sidearm, you can always open your hand and just drop them while going for your weapon.

I agree that carrying something in that hand is a good idea. What "Eagle" says is very true also. Way back when I was kid hunting rabbits with my dad, we carried our current kill in our hands while we hunted. I learned very early how to open my hand and shoot a speeding rabbit within the split seconds you have before it hits the next briar patch! I've used this technique in every small game hunting situation since then, whether I am retrieving my downed dove in the field and one flies over before I can get it into my vest bag, or picking up the squirrel and seeing another jump up the next tree trunk.

You can very easily open your hand and have it on your gun before the object ever hits the ground.

That and 38 cents will get you a phone call (if you can still find a phone booth!) :D


New member
Dec 18, 2006
, ,
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cs9c1 wrote:
I have Concealed Carried for a while now, and would like to do more open carry (for political and personal reasons). The issue I have is that I still find myself being worried that everyone is looking at me even while concealed. Is it just a matter of time and it becoming second nature or is this something that is likely to just nag me? The funny thing is that while I am in uniform I don't even think twice about carrying anything, even the big guns they are just part of me. Go figure.

I really feel like a chicken sh%# for even admitting that, but I would love to know who those of you who have more experience feel.

Anyone with an anti-america agenda preaches and harps at how horrible and diabolic firearms are. If the Newspaper and other media outlets and figure heads repeat it enough, loud enough, passionatley enough.. Some people may begin to believe them. So in my view it hasa lot to do withpyschology, especially in the way in which you described as though people were "judging you" for what? being American?

The fact of the matter is; You don't need a reason to carry. It's nota right to be given by the police or the government. It's an amendment just for being alawabidingAmerican. So don't let any of this socialist/commie b.s. get to you. They want us all to be dependant on them (gov.) for everything and anything. Even our own personal saftey.

For example; During Hurricane Katrina, probably the biggest disaster to ever strike the u.S.. It took the government six to seven days to send help to get things under control? Now i'm not anti-government... but I'm not about to put my life in the hands of my 'government' and hope they come to rescue me. Especially* in a disaster type situation.

And in case you haven't noticed.. most crimes happen when the cops aren't around! I've heard 911 tapes of women being strangled to death on the phone while police were racing to the scene.. And if only she took full advantage of her 2nd amendment well she would probably still be alive today as would many other victims of serial-rape/murder/violent assault.

In my city alone, so far this year, 54 women have been raped. I live in a smallsuburb folks. What if these people had taken advantage of their amendment?I think the number would be more like 0.

Forgive me for carrying on but.. even 9/11.. The 9/11 attacks could of been stopped if only we truly* had the right to bear arms. Decompression doesn't happen folks. If you poke a hole in the skin of the airliner you won't be sucked out etc. etc. as though it were some hollywood film.. And that's besides the point, There is such a thing as flangible ammo which wouldn't penetrate the airliner to begin with. And since you would have to be an American Citizen to have the firearm in the first place.. the Terrorists wouldn't of been able to take over the plane. And even if all six some how got passed security via smuggling the firearms on board.. they would still have to contend with all the armed Americans on the flight also.

Think about the "anti-firearm zones" such as schools and so on. Have any of these laws ever stopped a school shooting yet? These laws only prohibit the law abiding citizens and honestly make it easier for some criminal to murder others. Had I been at columbine, and had I been armed, a lot of people would still be alive today.

Another reason; 56 million people have been murdered by their own governments soon after gun bans were inacted in their countries. This includesJews, Christians, you name it. Oh don't think the U.S. government is any better.. Look into Operation Northwoods and so on. . .

I could give countless examples of why you should carry. But my friend, you don't need a reason.. or examples. If you were some kinda commie then maybe so but as long as you're an American wear your firearm. It might end up saving you, or someones life someday.

Semper Fi.


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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2006
Home of the Heros, Virginia, USA
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Criminal behavior whenever detectedfrome someone by experienced personnel are most likely to be questioned. It is very normal, theyare looking for cooperation and exchange of information. If you cooperate, then you will not be questionedany further and you cangoon about your business. Don't figit, don't make any sudden movements, dont associate with known criminals or those who are capable of being. Don'tact suspicios,always mind your own business, remain curteous, fair, square, and sincere. You will see no cops will bother u or look at you with suspicion. :)
