I live in the Springfield area and OC everywhere I go even though I have been told that it is frowned upon by Springfield law enforcement. While I do not wish to aggravate any law enforcement officer, I also am not going to allow anyone to enforce their own rules on me.
A friend of mine wanted to go to Kelley's police and tactical yesterday to check out a conceal holster for his new XDm, so I went with him. Of course I was open carrying my Glock 20. There was an officer in there that said that he was working there part time. My friend and I spoke with him for a while as my friend even made reference to me as "one of those weirdo open carry freaks". It was all in fun and I laughed, but no one else said a word about my open carrying (which is pretty typical).
Tonight my wife and I are going out to eat with my preacher and his wife. He knows that I carry a gun everywhere (he has allowed me to carry at our church, but I do conceal there). I will be open carrying tonight like I do every other night, so nothing will be different.
They only one in their family that has an issue with my carrying (whether open or concealed) is their son-in-law who is getting ready to go into the military. A few weeks ago we all went out shooting and of course, I had my Glock on, he asked if he could shoot it, I said sure, well he emptied out the magazine at about 10 yards and managed to a hit a regulation 25 yard slow fire pistol target a grand total of about 3 times. I told him that now that I know why he doesn't want to see anyone carrying. He said, why is that? I said, you assume that everyone is as bad of a shot as you. LOL