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This morning I was in CC's coffee on Seigen and was asked if I was a LEO. This struck up a conversation about the legalities of being able to open carry in LA. It started with one patron, then two, then three. All were more curious than anything. Everyone was interested to find out that most states including ours are open carry states.
Typical questions include:
"How long has LA been an open carry state?"
"Why do you carry?"
"Where do you carry?"
"When do you carry?"
As I educated the small crowd that began to gather, the question was posed by a traveling sales rep, "Can an out of state person open carry?" As I am not a lawyer and fairly new myself to open carry, I didn't know the answer. I pointed them all here, and now I pose the question.
Can an out of state person open carry in Louisiana?
This morning I was in CC's coffee on Seigen and was asked if I was a LEO. This struck up a conversation about the legalities of being able to open carry in LA. It started with one patron, then two, then three. All were more curious than anything. Everyone was interested to find out that most states including ours are open carry states.
Typical questions include:
"How long has LA been an open carry state?"
"Why do you carry?"
"Where do you carry?"
"When do you carry?"
As I educated the small crowd that began to gather, the question was posed by a traveling sales rep, "Can an out of state person open carry?" As I am not a lawyer and fairly new myself to open carry, I didn't know the answer. I pointed them all here, and now I pose the question.
Can an out of state person open carry in Louisiana?