Assembly Committee on Judiciary
February 19, 2007
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Matt Mowbray, Committee Assistant
Frank Adams, Executive Director, Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association
Robert Roshak, Sergeant, Office of Intergovernmental Services, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Ray Flynn, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
David Schumann, Nevada Committee for Full Statehood
Warren Russell, Elko County Commissioner
John Wagner, representing The Burke Consortium
Philip K. O'Neill, Chief, Records and Technology Division, Nevada Department of Public Safety
James L. Rhodes, President, Stillwater Firearms Association, Fallon, Nevada
Sam McGuire, State Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Instructor
R. Scott Meyer, Nevada Western Firearms
Kelly Connolly, State CCW Instructor
Nicholas Anthony, Legislative Relations Program Manager, City of Reno
Kristin L. Erickson, Chief Deputy District Attorney, Washoe County, representing the Nevada District Attorneys Association
Cotter Conway, representing the Washoe County Public Defender's Office
Jason Frierson, Attorney, Clark County Public Defender's Office
Chairman Anderson:
[Meeting called to order. Roll called.] Before we turn our attention to the legislation of the day, the Records and Technology Division of the Department of Public Safety has asked for Bill Draft Request (BDR) 16-727 to be withdrawn. I have a letter dated February 20, 2007 from Captain P. K. O'Neill, the Division Chief, which reflects the formal request (Exhibit C). It is the Chair's intention to honor that request and make this announcement part of the public record.
Let us turn our attention to Assembly Bill 21.
Assembly Bill 21: Revises certain provisions governing weapons. (BDR 15-326)