BTW, I didn't see anything in the materials available on their site that says they prohibit members from being lawfully-armed. Was there anything in the membership materials you were given, or updates that have been mailed from time to time?
The People's Food Co-op
315 5th Avenue South
La Crosse, WI
"Our cooperative is a friendly and inviting place...
We respect the diversity,
individual beliefs and choices of members, staff and potential members..."
Membership is open to any person, eighteen and older, interested in purchasing the goods or utilizing the services offered by the cooperative."
"Our co-operative is an autonomous, self-help organization
controlled by our members.
Our co-operative is a
democratic organization controlled by our members."
"The People’s Food Co-op is based on the values of
self-responsibility, mutual self-help,
democracy, equality, equity, and community. Our cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.
Adapted from the International Cooperative Alliance Statement on the Cooperative Identity"
"We are a voluntary organization,
open to all persons able to use our services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender,
social, racial,
political, or religious discrimination."
"4) Membership may be terminated in the following three ways:
a) Voluntarily by written notice from the member to the People’s Food Co-op;
b) Automatically when a member is delinquent in the payment of her/his/its share investment to the extent determined by the Board;
c) By decision of the Board of Directors
with the right of appeal to the general membership"
1) Before a vote is taken to adopt, repeal, or amend any bylaw,
members shall have an opportunity to respond to such a proposal at a regular membership meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose."
"DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Board acting by resolution may decide all matters lawfully within its authority."