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I guess your right.....I noticed at this rally hard working people,families,everyday folk fed up with taxes and more so our plunge into socialism.NO one wants that.Its only the have nots that do all the complaining and demanding handouts etc.People that think the gov.owes them our money.I also noticed as I said before that no cars were set on fire,no windows broken and businesses trashed Like you would see in a left wing demonstration.We are villified because we want to return to traditional American values,not apologize for being American,Keep what you earn and not let the gov.decide who its given to.Keep our second Ammendment.For example My son in laws folks spent what little savings they had to buy a business.Now that business after a couple of years is making huge bucks.Why would they be considered villians now because they worked hard to have a successful business.They also have put folks to work.People say what about the folks working there to make it successful?They agree to work for a certain wage and when they get paid there contract is complete.They didn't start the company to make others wealthy.If employees don't like it they are free to work elsewhere.things like that are what gets under my skin.
By the way it is a hunting lodge/bar and hotel out in Randal.One of the regulars in the bar lets me shoot on his place directly across the street.I am going out there this weekend and talk to them about having a meeting out there where we can shoot as well.They also have RV spaces.Tall Timbers is the name.Would anyone be up for that.I'll talk to him about discounts for the group.sorry
got side tracked.....