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Shoulder Holster for my Dan Wesson Specialist


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2009
Hubertus, Wisconsin, USA
While there are tons of holsters for 1911s, I can't find a holster for my Dan Wesson Specialist (due to its accessory rail). There would, of course, be nothing on this rail when open carried. (As a range toy, or for home defense, I like a Crimson Trace green laser on it.)

The reason I'm looking for a shoulder holster is because I simply can't stand how even a relatively lighter Glock pulls my jeans down. I also despite Glocks. Glock has many fans, though I'm not one of them. It drives me nuts jacking my pants up endlessly as a gun drags my pants down.

One reason I support open carry is because I have 2X paws that simply do not fit any gun made for concealment. While I can readily nail a target with any full-size handgun, my shooting is nothing short of embarrassing with tiny guns that were evidently made for the hands of a 10-year-old girl. (No insult intended to women who shoot -- I strongly support women being prepared to defend themselves, especially since male thugs have a clear physical advantage to an unarmed female. Plus, a lady packing a .45 and who knows how to us it is simply hot!)

Price isn't an issue. I want a quality holster that is comfortable and durable.

Thanks in advice for any help you fine folks can provide.



Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Any holster for a sig 1911 should fit yours. Also a older style spring holster like the Bianchi X series it wouldn't matter if it has a rail. I carry my recently acquired S&W model 64 in a Bianchi X, it is comfortable.


Tripple K makes a similar holster, you can order them from americasgunstore.com

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