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Virginia GOP launches "gotcha" gun control ad -- except they forgot to do any research


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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Virginia GOP launches "gotcha" gun control ad -- except they forgot to do any research

It's the perfect "gotcha" campaign ad. Well, except for the gotcha part.

Credit the Virginia Republican Party for coming up with a creative idea. Discredit the Virginia Republican Party for doing a horrific job of research.

The party released ads on Wednesday raising the possibility that Virginia Democratic Reps. Rick Boucher and Tom Perriello might be secret gun control proponents (despite evidence to the contrary).

So what's the angle? Damning video footage of members of Congress giving Mexican President Felipe Calderon a standing ovation last week when he called on the U.S. Congress to consider reinstating the assault weapons ban.

Ah, so Boucher and Perriello are seen in that footage wildly applauding Calderon? Well, no. But certainly the Virginia GOP must be on to something.

Otherwise, the commercial wouldn't flash the congressmen's phone numbers on....

...the screen asking voters to find out for themselves.

"Voters in the 5th and 9th Districts need to know if Democrat Reps. Rick Boucher and Tom Perriello were among the hundreds of Democrats who leaped to their feet to applaud gun control while a leader from a foreign nation scolded the American people for upholding the rights secured to us by our Constitution," said party Chairman Pat Mullins in announcing the new commercials.

Sensing a blockbuster investigative opportunity, the Ticket did its due diligence and called both offices (as requested by the commercials and the party chair) to find out if they gave Calderon a standing O.

The suspense lasted for about 30 seconds. Nope.

Making it even less suspenseful and infinitely more boring, neither congressman were even there. Yawn.

"I did not attend the speech," Rep. Boucher told The Ticket. "I oppose gun control. And my opposition to gun control has resulted in the National Rifle Assn. endorsing my reelection."

Not only that, adds Boucher spokeswoman Courtney Lamie, he's earned an A+ rating from the NRA.

Oh come on! Then something had to be up with that Perriello guy, right? He wasn't there but surely he was doing something anti-2nd Amendment during the speech. Maybe he was participating in one of those wussy turn-in-the-gun programs. The Virginia GOP could at least bat .500!

Perriello's press secretary, Jessica Barba, laughed when we told her about the ad mentioning that her boss was meeting with constituents during Calderon's speech.

"Shockingly, the ad was not well-researched," she told The Ticket. Barba included a letter to President Obama signed by her boss stating his opposition to Atty. Gen.l Eric Holder's "plan to reinstate the assault weapon ban."

"To even consider reinstating an "assault weapon" ban is an affront to our Founding Fathers, who so clearly understood the importance of the ordinary citizens' right to keep and bear arms," reads the letter.

So since the question has been answered and they weren't even in attendance, does the party consider the ad to be a failure?

Not at all. They should have spoken out against the speech they didn't attend. So says J. Garren Shipley, communications director for the Virginia GOP.

"In that sort of situation, pro-gun Democrats must speak out. Reps. Boucher and Perriello didn't," he said.

The ads aren't going away either. Shipley said they'll remain up until the two representatives tell voters what they thought of the speech they didn't hear.

"If Boucher and Perriello are truly against the assault weapons ban, they should have publicly condemned President Calderon's speech long before now," he said.

As a public service for insomnia sufferers, we've embedded one of the commercials below.



Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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There is a real point here that was missed. These democrat candidates, if elected, would be part of a party that stood and cheered for the eviceration of your god given right. Do not forget that. Gun freedom, not gun control is the issue when the democrat party is not in power.

I am not a Republican. I have lots of non-gun and some gun issues with them. Just saying that gun rights are better defended when they are not neutered as they are right now.

Live Free or Die,



Regular Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ashburn, Virginia, USA
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Thundar wrote:
There is a real point here that was missed. These democrat candidates, if elected, would be part of a party that stood and cheered for the eviceration of your god given right. Do not forget that. Gun freedom, not gun control is the issue when the democrat party is not in power.

I am not a Republican. I have lots of non-gun and some gun issues with them. Just saying that gun rights are better defended when they are not neutered as they are right now.

Live Free or Die,

QFTW (Quoted for the win)


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
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Walt_Kowalski wrote:
Thundar wrote:
There is a real point here that was missed. These democrat candidates, if elected, would be part of a party that stood and cheered for the eviceration of your god given right. Do not forget that. Gun freedom, not gun control is the issue when the democrat party is not in power.

I am not a Republican. I have lots of non-gun and some gun issues with them. Just saying that gun rights are better defended when they are not neutered as they are right now.

Live Free or Die,

QFTW (Quoted for the win)

If you haven't learned by now that there is no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat, then you really need to find a new hobby and let others do your voting for you.



Regular Member
May 30, 2008
Near The Beach, Virginia, USA
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With what the donkey controlled senate did this year by killing great gun bills in violation of senate's own rules. Lets not forget, We can thank them all for corrupt way the parking lot bill was blocked.

I say piss on them all! Unless they are on fire.



Regular Member
May 30, 2008
Near The Beach, Virginia, USA
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The Donkey wrote:
There is noting moderate about Boucher and Periello on guns: they are 100% A+.

You dont get it....I don't care.......after the crap the dems pulled with the corrupt way they disregarded the rules to kill our bills.....I don't care.

If a dem wants to impress me, call out you own party, but they need not call themselves pro or moderate if they don't.

A vote for a dem we might think is not too bad, still empowers that corrupt party.

They need to be in the minority!

I cant speak for others, but I am in no mood to have any use for any of them.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
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The Donkey wrote:
There is noting moderate about Boucher and Periello on guns: they are 100% A+.
No, they empowered the leadership of Saslaw and allowed Marsh to get away with mocking the legislative process.

They are just as guilty as the rest.

If they want to claim to be pro-gun, then they need to ensure that those sort of ridiculous and childish acts never happen again.


The Donkey

New member
Sep 21, 2006
Northern Virginia
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TFred wrote:
The Donkey wrote:
There is noting moderate about Boucher and Periello on guns: they are 100% A+.
No, they empowered the leadership of Saslaw and allowed Marsh to get away with mocking the legislative process.

They are just as guilty as the rest.

If they want to claim to be pro-gun, then they need to ensure that those sort of ridiculous and childish acts never happen again.

I don't see how: they don't even serve in the same legislatures.


Regular Member
May 30, 2008
Near The Beach, Virginia, USA
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The Donkey wrote:
TFred wrote:
The Donkey wrote:
There is noting moderate about Boucher and Periello on guns: they are 100% A+.
No, they empowered the leadership of Saslaw and allowed Marsh to get away with mocking the legislative process.

They are just as guilty as the rest.

If they want to claim to be pro-gun, then they need to ensure that those sort of ridiculous and childish acts never happen again.

I don't see how: they don't even serve in the same legislatures.

I don't think you followed the comment.....I have no use for the corruption across the board.

From a local school board to the white house, anything that empowers that party is bad right now.


Regular Member
May 30, 2008
Near The Beach, Virginia, USA
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wylde007 wrote:
Anything that empowers "parties" is bad.
I dont disagree with that....

However right now one party is lost its ever loving mind of an order of magnitude I would never have believed possible.

I am starting to understand the frustration our founding fathers must have felt.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Richmond, VA
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"Blue Dog"/conservative Democrats are pawns only used and abused by the far left radical wing of the party to gain seats. Then these spineless weak "moderate" Democrats get the tar beaten out of them by the likes of Pelosi and Reid and CAAAAAAAAAAAVEE.

"Moderate" Democrats....like "Moderate" Republicans are DECEIVERS only meant to tighten the herd.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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The Donkey wrote:
TFred wrote:
The Donkey wrote:
There is noting moderate about Boucher and Periello on guns: they are 100% A+.
No, they empowered the leadership of Saslaw and allowed Marsh to get away with mocking the legislative process.

They are just as guilty as the rest.

If they want to claim to be pro-gun, then they need to ensure that those sort of ridiculous and childish acts never happen again.

I don't see how: they don't even serve in the same legislatures.
Donkey you have a point. TFred is mixing up federal and state legislatures, but he is not mixing up the freedom hating corrosive and gun hating agendasthat the democrat party brings toBOTH legislatures.

I think there is a gun grabbing gene in the democrat. It may go dormant and skip one, but since they are pack animals, they would rather let the gun grabbing mutants live and prosper, than put them out of their misery.

Republicans are less pack animals and more lone wolves. Witness the pounding that the Attorney General, Ken Brady is recieving.