And if you really want to play the "word game" then the "Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" actually means I should be able to carry a firearm with out permission from my State. But that does not get us very far either...does it?
I certainly agree with you there... But we have to play with the cards you're dealt.
There are lines that we HAVE TO play in, and there's lines the nannies WANT US to play in.
Of course any cop will advise against open carry, it only has the potential to make their job harder. They would also like to search any person they want, at any time they want. We have liberties, and if we don't use them, we lose them.
As for the public, especially in the metro, they are vastly ignorant about guns, and some have an irrational fear. My goal in open carrying is to show them that I'm just a well dressed, young guy, out with my kids, debating with my 6 year old over cereal choices, wiping my son's runny nose. I'm not their image of the "typical" gun owner, sitting in a shack in the woods, stroking my rifle quoting lines from full metal jacket. Just a regular guy going through his day. I've had some excellent conversations.
I do a whole section on open carry in my classes. There are a few things that any person who open carries has to do know...
- First, you have to look presentable. Leave the "Body Piercing by Glock" shirt at home.
- Know the laws cold, and don't pester business that made it known they don't want carry. (even if they legally can't. i.e. MOA)
- Be willing to be inconvenienced. Though I've never had to, you may have to deal with police. Or the occasional over inquisitive person... which leads to my next one
- Be the nicest person on earth. Smile, open doors, help old ladies to their car.
- Walk away from arguments. If someone wants to make a scene with you, leave. If a manager wants to kick you out, go.
The right people open-carrying in the metro can make it a "move along, nothing to see here" everyday occurrence.
I can speak from experience, it's not the "slammed to the ground, instant arrest" in the metro you might think. Be the change you want.