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What to say when people complain they are "uncomfortable" because of your gun?


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Ignore them. Life is too short to try to cure all the world's ills. If they hold power over you, as trespass, then avoid them, shun them.

Before my state became CC, a congregant told me that she didn't want me carrying a gun, period, and least around her. I don't believe that we've spoken since except during Communion service - when I CCW as I serve the common cup.

Happy Easter.

Did you ask the congregant if he preferred to be bludgeoned to death? Need to learn the teachings of Jesus this congregant.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
Do most people here feel it is sort of obnoxious for someone to ask them to disarm under these circumstances?

Short answer.....Yes.
My Sweet Baboo and I spend a good deal of hard earned cash at a local grocery store owned by a Russian family. The owner got a complaint form another customer and she approached us.
She said, "Can I speak with you?" "Sure" we replied. "I had a customer complain about your gun, what would you do if I asked you not to bring it here?"...we replied together" We would not shop here."....."No!" she exclaimed " Don't do that, I always feel safer when you are here". We said thank you, gave her a Washington gun rights brochure and we shop there regularly. Always a smile from the Staff as we enter.
I never answer a question anymore, I just counter with another question. My old reply of "You must be a special kind of stupid" is no longer being used.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I found trying to convince someone with their head buried in a place with no light to be a waste of time. I would have asked to speak to the store manager.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Hi All,

Thanks for the welcomes and the ideas. I'm still here, though was a bit busy with Easter and work today.

I had ended up following the suggestion of asking the management, because this was in a shop where I've been many times over the last year with my .45 1911 while organizing an event we were holding there every month. It was thus particularly surprising that this was suddenly an issue. Unfortunately management decided to let this part-time person make these kinds of decisions when they were running the shop.

That aside, I particularly like the idea of asking what it is that I am doing that is frightening. Seems like a good way to introduce the idea that the gun is just a tool, to protect myself and people near me if needed, and perhaps introducing levels of training.

Do most people here feel it is sort of obnoxious for someone to ask them to disarm under these circumstances?
You did the correct thing, now it is up to you to take your money to a gun friendly store.


Regular Member
Jun 14, 2006
Franklin, VA, Virginia, USA
Several improper thoughts popped into my head as possible replies:

1. You're frightened/uncomfortable? I'm not, so you can relax.
2. That's cute. Tell me, do any adults work here?
3. Boo!


Regular Member
May 7, 2009
williamsburg, Virginia, USA
just a thought

this is where I feel that high school government classes should cover state laws regarding our Amendments, not just 2A but all of them, half of the half-wits i encounter i believe to not have made it to class on most days if so they were not in the right frame of mind. Constitutional rights were covered when i was in school along with common sense.People I've ran into did not even know it was legal to carry a gun or ask me if its registered. People watch too much prime time television seeing as how all the shows are based out of New York and California story lines giving the sense of no one has guns but the bad guys and the LEO's. I run across ignorant or incompetent people more often than I'd like to.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Several improper thoughts popped into my head as possible replies:

1. You're frightened/uncomfortable? I'm not, so you can relax.
2. That's cute. Tell me, do any adults work here?
3. Boo!

#2 is pretty cute, but #3 would be hilarious.

this is where I feel that high school government classes should cover state laws regarding our Amendments, not just 2A but all of them, half of the half-wits i encounter i believe to not have made it to class on most days if so they were not in the right frame of mind. Constitutional rights were covered when i was in school along with common sense.People I've ran into did not even know it was legal to carry a gun or ask me if its registered. People watch too much prime time television seeing as how all the shows are based out of New York and California story lines giving the sense of no one has guns but the bad guys and the LEO's. I run across ignorant or incompetent people more often than I'd like to.

Therein lies one of the biggest problems: schools teach the Bill of Rights as amendments that GIVE the people those Rights (essentially labeling them privileges). You don't hear too often of schools teaching about Constitutionally-PROTECTED Rights (that existed prior to a feather being dipped in ink and used to scribble some radical ideas onto a piece of parchment).
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Regular Member
May 7, 2009
williamsburg, Virginia, USA
#2 is pretty cute, but #3 would be hilarious.

Therein lies one of the biggest problems: schools teach the Bill of Rights as amendments that GIVE the people those Rights (essentially labeling them privileges). You don't hear too often of schools teaching about Constitutionally-PROTECTED Rights (that existed prior to a feather being dipped in ink and used to scribble some radical ideas onto a piece of parchment).

I agree, the less the adolescent sheeple know the better off big brother is and thus should be the other way around.


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2009
Where am I, WA, , USA
"Do you feel uncomfortable climbing a ladder or going up steps? Accidental falls kill more people than people with guns do."

Or the snippy:
"You're uncomfortable not because of the gun, but because your panties are in a twist."

Or the creepy:
"Well, I'm uncomfortable because my thong is riding up."

Oucharama. I do not OC.OTOH I CC simply because there are way too many badges that would rather strip me of my Constitutional rights to OC with their BS no RAS to flock with me. Any LEO don't like my answer? Tough shyt. Y'all brought it on yourselves. We *all wanna go home at night. None of you badges are more important than me.* Anytime you can't deal with that feel free to quit and get a real job.
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I decide the answer to why I carry is going to start with this statement.

So I can meet nice people like you and have a conversation about our constitutional rights.

They might not be nice or could be but it well set the proper tone and subject.


What to say to someone who says they are afraid of my OC'd sidearm?

"If a gang banger came in and started shooting up the place I'll bet you would want me to protect you because I have a gun."


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
My old reply of "You must be a special kind of stupid" is no longer being used.
That would be a good one to see a YouTube video of the other persons face. I will remember this to use on one of my brothers....

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Regular Member
Mar 26, 2011
Lexington, Ky
I just tell people to "F&$% off" when they complain about my OC'ing. Most of the time it works, but for the times that it doesn't, is usually the times when the complaining person yells at me and gets aggressive, for which a police car will show up a few minutes later to ask the complaining person if it really is logical to yell at someone who is legally armed, and to ask me if I felt threatened enough to press charges. :cool:


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2013
Las Vegas
I usually tell them..."It's okay, the voices in my head are pretty calm right now, they are usually very reasonable, so I think it will be okay." :shocker: