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zakst1 wrote:
I live 3,000 miles away from the rest of my family and often think about having to check my pistol with the airlines. I have yet to do so, but was wondering if anyone here has ever had any issues with airline travel (i.e. lost weapons with baggage / strife with airline personnel)?
I travel a lot and have had my ups and down with declaring my hand gun(s).
One time I had to hand over all of my ammunition to the Agent as she would not let me have it in my suitcase. That was long before 9-11. I have found it much easer since 9-11 and have had no problems for years.
1. Gun in locked hard case (no TSA lock), TSA lock on your suitcase
2. Ammo in original containers (There are also approved containers, but this is easier.) Some airlines want the ammo in a separate part of your suitcase, some want it in the hard, locked case with your gun. TSA doesn't care.
3. I say the following, "I would like to declare an unloaded handgun in a locked box in my suitcase, I also have some ammunition in its original container, in another part of my suitcase."
4. They may or may not want to visually inspect your gun to see if it is loaded, then they will give you a card to sign and put with your gun.
5. They will go with you to TSA and tell them that you have declared your handgun. TSA will want you to remain until they have checked your bag and then they will send you on your way.
It is just that simple.