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American Pride


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Can you spell "xenophobia"? I knew you could. How about "jingoism" and "chauvinism"?

Along with the great pride in America on the entry into The War To End All Wars came tremendous discrimination against those of European descent, especially of German and Italian heritage but folks with heritage from the Balkans and Eastern Europe did not escape. Did anybody think that "Freedom Fries" were just a response to the French over Iraq? Have you ever wondered what folks ordered instead of "hamburgers" and "frankfurters" between 1914 and 1918?

I'm probably as rabid as the next person when someone insults the USA - especially if they are not a citizen. I'm also not one who supports blind loyalty and obesience.

With all that in mind, just how would you describe the pride in country that you want to support and encourage?

stay safe.

Shadow Bear

Michigan Moderator
Dec 17, 2010
Grand Rapids
Can you spell "xenophobia"? I knew you could. How about "jingoism" and "chauvinism"?

Along with the great pride in America on the entry into The War To End All Wars came tremendous discrimination against those of European descent, especially of German and Italian heritage but folks with heritage from the Balkans and Eastern Europe did not escape. Did anybody think that "Freedom Fries" were just a response to the French over Iraq? Have you ever wondered what folks ordered instead of "hamburgers" and "frankfurters" between 1914 and 1918?

I'm probably as rabid as the next person when someone insults the USA - especially if they are not a citizen. I'm also not one who supports blind loyalty and obesience.

With all that in mind, just how would you describe the pride in country that you want to support and encourage?

stay safe.

Humans will use ANY reason to put down their fellow man- his ethnicity, race, religion, job, hair color, freckles, glasses, fat/skinny, you name it. WWI didn't create bigots; they just came out of the closet.

Best thing about WWI was it got the bigots off the back of the Irish, and onto the eastern Europeans.

When I was a kid, other kids weren't allowed to play with us because we were (oh, horrors of horrors) Catholic. When I was older, they couldn't be seen in public with us. They had no problem sneaking around in the dark, though.

I am proud of this country when it sticks up for the 'little guy'. I am equally ashamed when we turn our back on equally deserving people who just don't have any oil.

But, show me a better country, and I'll be on the next plane, sitting next to you.

Shadow Bear

Michigan Moderator
Dec 17, 2010
Grand Rapids
Forced patriotism if false patriotism.

Patriotism cannot be forced; it comes from the wellsprings of men's innermost being.

I don't support the draft. I do mourn the slow death of personal responsibility, the wasting away of dignity, the rape of shame. All is lost; what are we fighting for, anymore?

Can we ever regain the values that allowed us to walk tall, to hold our head high, and say 'We did the RIGHT thing!'

Did we ever have those values? Or, has the thin gold plating of our society worn away to show the base metal that is our real core?

I can only speak for myself, my values, my beliefs. I am responsible for my self, to the world. I WANT to be able to say 'I did the right thing', even if all around me fall away.

God bless America, home of the somewhat free, and formerly brave.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
America was a country greatly divided over WWI. Woodrow Wilson ran for a second term under the slogan "he kept us out of war", then upon re-election promptly plunged us immediately into a war that wasn't ours to fight. (German aggression towards America was because we failed to stay neutral, and tried to help Britain while claiming neutrality.)

Ah, Wilson, that savior of justice, progressivism, and uniting us as one Nation. Aside from being a major player in whipping up anti-German sentiment that hounded immigrants, segregating the federal workplace, locking up anyone who defied or disagreed with him, and promoting internationalism and world government over American sovereignty, that is.

What a joyous time.
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Shadow Bear

Michigan Moderator
Dec 17, 2010
Grand Rapids
America was a country greatly divided over WWI. Woodrow Wilson ran for a second term under the slogan "he kept us out of war", then upon re-election promptly plunged us immediately into a war that wasn't ours to fight. (German aggression towards America was because we failed to stay neutral, and tried to help Britain while claiming neutrality.)

Ah, Wilson, that savior of justice, progressivism, and uniting us as one Nation. Aside from being a major player in whipping up anti-German sentiment that hounded immigrants, segregating the federal workplace, locking up anyone who defied or disagreed with him, and promoting internationalism and world government over American sovereignty, that is.

What a joyous time.

I fear those 'happy days' will be upon us in the near future. When we run out of small countries with oil at stake, the government may come for us. No, wait, they're already here....

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana
Patriotism cannot be forced; it comes from the wellsprings of men's innermost being.

I don't support the draft. I do mourn the slow death of personal responsibility, the wasting away of dignity, the rape of shame. All is lost; what are we fighting for, anymore?

Can we ever regain the values that allowed us to walk tall, to hold our head high, and say 'We did the RIGHT thing!'

Did we ever have those values? Or, has the thin gold plating of our society worn away to show the base metal that is our real core?

I can only speak for myself, my values, my beliefs. I am responsible for my self, to the world. I WANT to be able to say 'I did the right thing', even if all around me fall away.

God bless America, home of the somewhat free, and formerly brave.

Very well said!!

May I re-post this into this thread?

We may be only somewhat free but... we're still the home of the BRAVE.
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Regular Member
Jan 16, 2012
American pride

I can remember back in the 70's I believe it was when the auto makers were in worse shape than they are now and what brought the market back was the slogan Buy American . But now we have a president that apologizes for our arrogance I have never heard a president do that against his own people that put him in that round office , I don't know about you but it makes me sad to know that our own president sounds ashamed of us BUT I served in our military with PRIDE and would go back again if needed . I love my country and am grateful for all of the men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for protecting our rights and our country in times of combat , I would and never will be ashamed of our great country and the people who made it great ! God bless AMERICA and the people also .:D

Shadow Bear

Michigan Moderator
Dec 17, 2010
Grand Rapids
I can remember back in the 70's I believe it was when the auto makers were in worse shape than they are now and what brought the market back was the slogan Buy American . But now we have a president that apologizes for our arrogance I have never heard a president do that against his own people that put him in that round office , I don't know about you but it makes me sad to know that our own president sounds ashamed of us BUT I served in our military with PRIDE and would go back again if needed . I love my country and am grateful for all of the men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for protecting our rights and our country in times of combat , I would and never will be ashamed of our great country and the people who made it great ! God bless AMERICA and the people also .:D

I would fight by your side anytime!

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be never so vile. This day shall gentle his condition. And gentlemen in England now abed shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.'


Regular Member
Jan 16, 2012
Fight Side by Side

Thank you shadowbear it would be an honor if we should ever have to go to that limit , This bond of brothers is something that oh so many people will never be able to comprehend . My wife knows and has seen the bond I have with other Veterans and has made comments more than a few times about it , She has said that I talk more openly with other veterans than with my own family and she also said that the family stated that they can not relate to me since I since I came home from the service as it does change you . The military changes you sometimes for the worse BUT more times than not it changes you for a greater person and it does instill PRIDE in yourself , So to other veterans I take my hat off and extend my hand to you for your time served and god bless all of you . :D