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Are you a gun owner? Let us in OR ELSE, say Blighty's top cops


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2011
Boone County, KY
Are you a gun owner? Let us in OR ELSE, say Blighty's top cops

The police can now come unannounced to inspect firearms. Before an appointment would be needed for inspection


"The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has announced a legal tweak intended to allow police officers to turn up at the homes of gun owners, without warning, and demand to inspect guns stored on the premises. "

The police always had the power to revoke firearm and shotgun certificates and seize guns. But the part about unannounced visits is new.

"The police have always had the legal power to revoke firearm or shotgun certificates and seize guns where concerns are raised over the fitness of the owner to have them."

Those who advocate "gun owner licensing" or "firearms licensing" should take heed on what happens when the such licensing schemes are the law of the land..as described in this article.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
I'm sure that they'll start with the insurrectionists up north in Scotland .... should have voted to leave ...

Seriously? The land of my ancestors has suffered more erosion of freedom under a Scottish parliament than the English could have ever hoped for. Under home rule they enacted even stricter knife laws than their neighbors to the south; the sgian-dubh has been effectively outlawed in Scotland.

I'm Scottish on both sides, all the way back (with just a couple of German marriages), with all ancestors arriving here before the American Revolution.

With apologies to those still trying to break free, the last Scotsman worth spit left a loooong time ago.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
What a sh!thole. I can foresee the same happening here in the near future.


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
I'm sure that they'll start with the insurrectionists up north in Scotland .... should have voted to leave ...

Seriously? The land of my ancestors has suffered more erosion of freedom under a Scottish parliament than the English could have ever hoped for. Under home rule they enacted even stricter knife laws than their neighbors to the south; the sgian-dubh has been effectively outlawed in Scotland.

I'm Scottish on both sides, all the way back (with just a couple of German marriages), with all ancestors arriving here before the American Revolution.

With apologies to those still trying to break free, the last Scotsman worth spit left a loooong time ago.

Feel free to evaluate his (McBeth's) opinion for what it's worth ... nothing.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
I do believe that most of the real Scottish blood left Scotland hundreds of years ago. What a pity.

Anyway, seems to me we in America have two choices:

"Oh look! A wee mousie. Isn't it cute?"


"Look! A mouse..." SMACK "Got it." FLUSH
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
When are coming to Virginia or for that matter to England to show everyone how it is done?

I have already lived in England ... I can tell you people are not happy that they gave up their RKBA ...

And Virginia? I lived in VA for a very short time too. I like West Virginia better ... girls that chew are good for you.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I have already lived in England ... I can tell you people are not happy that they gave up their RKBA ...

And Virginia? I lived in VA for a very short time too. I like West Virginia better ... girls that chew are good for you.

I would agree from what I've seen and been told from some with 1[SUP]st[/SUP] hand experience in England - but that was the easy question.

Don't know what part of Virginia you graced with your presence, but no evidence remains. As to WVA, you should not speak disparagingly so of the women there. Also your double entandre pushes the limits.