The bar for denying a God given right should be high enough to inconvenient governments ability to intervene. It should never be convenient to deny a persons ability to own firearms.
Mental illness most of the time is arbitrary. Don’t need mental health professionals dictating who is allowed to exercise a God given right because Peter struggles with bipolar disorder.
Alas the recent shootings where the shooter's MH was...
1) boulder co - untreated [ignored] mental health issues
2) Atlanta ga - untreated [ignored] mental health issues
3) Aurora CO - under care for mental health but CSU MH professional didn't notify LE
4) Parkland Fl, - under care but community MH & educational systems let the client down
5) Texas church - under care but USAF didn't follow national protocols and report to fbi.
6) sandy hook - known MH issues caregiver raised shooter as "normal"
7) SC church - untreated [ignored] MH issues
8) uni VA - under care but UVA MH professional wasn't allowed to report to LE by uni administration
the list goes on...
deity given right...says so in the holy books ~ where?
state/federal legislative members mandated MH professional the oversight but not the reporting protocol to notify the FBI about "peter's MH"!