Regular Member
I find this very strange.
I attempted to clarify what was apparently misread/misunderstood in my original post, but my "attitude" caused someone to write me off.
There was no intent on my part to be confrontational, or display any sort of "attitude".
Although it has since been deleted, the first reply to my original post was quoted in later posts. If anyone cares to go back and reread it. It is obvious that the person quoted either misread, or misunderstood my original post. I attempted to clarify.
When I stated that this was my thread, I intentionally put "my" in parentheses to denote the fact that I understood that I did not own the thread, but was the one who started it.
I guess that attitude, demeanor, and intent don't always come through very well in printed text.
Possibly, I should restrict myself to reading here, and forgo contributing, lest my attitude be misunderstood in the future.
It is the internet, so things do not come across as they do in person. I usually try to read my posts at least a couple times before I post them, try to see it from the other side. No need to stop posting, but be willing to accept constructive criticism.
As far as firearms forums, this one is the most professional, open minded, and welcoming. I hope you enjoy your stay.