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Claremont police are scary


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Had a small issue the other night in walmart. I was about done (2:30am) shopping and in line to check out and i looked up to see 3 police officers waiting for me. i have my pistol in my pant belt area i had no jacket. i have benn in this store a hundred times with no issue. The one officer asked to speak with me regarding the gun.

He asked me for a permit and i said to him i don't need one to openly carry. he said, "no really can i see your permit". I said i don't need one officer per state law. He insisted and said he "needed to make sure i was OK to have the gun" ? He aslo wanted to know who he was "dealing with". i did produce a permit and drivers license and after taking all my info and treating me like a criminal and making me feel like crap i was escorted out.

Awoke the next morning feeling violated so i headed to the station to speak with a officer. I waited a few minutes for sargeant chip on the shoulder to come. He informed me i was breaking the law and guns were now allowed in the station? I said the officer last night seemed to not know the law and i was not filing a complaint but just looking to make sure he knows the law and that i felt violated. chippy said somebody called and i made somebody in the store shopping uncomfy and i should conceal my gun. I said thanks but it was wrong to make a issue and make me feel uncomfy. He said too me " if you come in walmart and make somebody uncomfy we will come to you and make you feel uncomfy this is the circle?

I know this is what we deal with but these are the cops?

i can't believe i have to prove i have the right to carry and i was threatened to be harrassed if i carry openly

messed up

rant over LOL


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
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Claremont Police are Wrong!
Open Carry is The Law in New Hampshire.
Open Carry in Public Buildings is Legal in New Hampshire as well!


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Had a small issue the other night in walmart. I was about done (2:30am) shopping and in line to check out and i looked up to see 3 police officers waiting for me. i have my pistol in my pant belt area i had no jacket. i have benn in this store a hundred times with no issue. The one officer asked to speak with me regarding the gun.

He asked me for a permit and i said to him i don't need one to openly carry. he said, "no really can i see your permit". I said i don't need one officer per state law. He insisted and said he "needed to make sure i was OK to have the gun" ? He aslo wanted to know who he was "dealing with". i did produce a permit and drivers license and after taking all my info and treating me like a criminal and making me feel like crap i was escorted out.

Awoke the next morning feeling violated so i headed to the station to speak with a officer. I waited a few minutes for sargeant chip on the shoulder to come. He informed me i was breaking the law and guns were now allowed in the station? I said the officer last night seemed to not know the law and i was not filing a complaint but just looking to make sure he knows the law and that i felt violated. chippy said somebody called and i made somebody in the store shopping uncomfy and i should conceal my gun. I said thanks but it was wrong to make a issue and make me feel uncomfy. He said too me " if you come in walmart and make somebody uncomfy we will come to you and make you feel uncomfy this is the circle?

I know this is what we deal with but these are the cops?

i can't believe i have to prove i have the right to carry and i was threatened to be harrassed if i carry openly

messed up

rant over LOL

Where do you live? I live in Claremont and did not hear about it till you posted it. What Sgt did you speak to? I put a call into the PD to see if this really took place and I'm a waiting a call back before I file a FOI ( federal freedom of information act request ) for the police report and all radio transcripts from that call. I would hope that this is not true because if it is people are going to descend on Claremont and hold rally's and OC protests as is always the case when something like this happens.
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Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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It would also be vary helpful to post all three officers names in the post! Around what time did you go into the station? I also need dates and Your name( can you PM your name if you feel uneasy about posting it)
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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i did not get the cops name who showed at walmart as i felt nervous and half asleep after working 10 hours. I got some sleep and went to the station with a cool head only to have more silly drivel and a srtumpy attitude about how i was the big bad wolf who need to conceal or else type of mentality. the sargent in the morn said the guy from the night was a corperal? and he was unable to speak about his lack of the law and comment i would ahve to come speak with the chief. i have not bothered.

i never went to file a complaint and said the cop who came to wally was polite-ish and smiled but seemed to have no clue as to the law and was overdoing his job IMO. I went to the station to bring info and help, instead i got a slap down and a chest beat


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Where do you live? I live in Claremont and did not hear about it till you posted it. What Sgt did you speak to? I put a call into the PD to see if this really took place and I'm a waiting a call back before I file a FOI ( federal freedom of information act request ) for the police report and all radio transcripts from that call. I would hope that this is not true because if it is people are going to descend on Claremont and hold rally's and OC protests as is always the case when something like this happens.

why would it not be true?

i called wally world and spoke with a manager the next morning about me not being welcome there or whatnot and was told i was fine and it was a customer who called 911 from a cell inside or something. i spoke with nobody in the store, nor did i look threatening. I just felt the cops could have waited outside instead of pulling me out of line while people were wating to pay in the middle of my transaction to verify i had the right to have a gun? I also was not happy about having to produce a conceal permit for a open carry guy and then have to submit ID to show who i was, i felt violated.

i was not arrested nor detained but 3 copy for a legal carry seemed more like barrney fife and officer bored chip on the shoulder more then protecting people. i also was taken aback by the comment if i make people feel uncomfy i will get them to make me feel uncomfy this is the circle WTF?

just making my rant with no real aggenda other them to complain


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
why would it not be true?

i called wally world and spoke with a manager the next morning about me not being welcome there or whatnot and was told i was fine and it was a customer who called 911 from a cell inside or something. i spoke with nobody in the store, nor did i look threatening. I just felt the cops could have waited outside instead of pulling me out of line while people were wating to pay in the middle of my transaction to verify i had the right to have a gun? I also was not happy about having to produce a conceal permit for a open carry guy and then have to submit ID to show who i was, i felt violated.

i was not arrested nor detained but 3 copy for a legal carry seemed more like barrney fife and officer bored chip on the shoulder more then protecting people. i also was taken aback by the comment if i make people feel uncomfy i will get them to make me feel uncomfy this is the circle WTF?

just making my rant with no real aggenda other them to complain

The real point is that you voluntarily/consensually gave up your rights and supplied papers unnecessarily.

Would benefit you to learn and understand the meaning of: Am I being detained? - Am I free to go? A bit more understanding of these principles and related material will go a long way - I mean this in the best of spirits.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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why would it not be true?

i called wally world and spoke with a manager the next morning about me not being welcome there or whatnot and was told i was fine and it was a customer who called 911 from a cell inside or something. i spoke with nobody in the store, nor did i look threatening. I just felt the cops could have waited outside instead of pulling me out of line while people were wating to pay in the middle of my transaction to verify i had the right to have a gun? I also was not happy about having to produce a conceal permit for a open carry guy and then have to submit ID to show who i was, i felt violated.

i was not arrested nor detained but 3 copy for a legal carry seemed more like barrney fife and officer bored chip on the shoulder more then protecting people. i also was taken aback by the comment if i make people feel uncomfy i will get them to make me feel uncomfy this is the circle WTF?

just making my rant with no real aggenda other them to complain

As I understand it this all took place on the 16th in the Clarmeont, NH WalMart around 2:30am. Somone called the police to inform them that a man in the store had a gun. After arriving at the store the officers first talked to the WalMart staff. At that time some of the workers stated they felt uneasy about the firearm. The officers then went over and made contact with you. From what I have been told your firearm was half in your paints with only a small part sticking out of your waist band. At that time the officer then asked you for your permit because it looked concealed. I have been ubable to find a law stating how much of the firearm must be visible to be classifield as Open carry vs. Concealed carry. After talking with the police chief (Alex Scott) he did say the sgt was wrong in telling you that you could not carry in the police station lobby. He has taken care of that, the sgt was basing that off an old city code

"Sec. 9-3. Weapons in public buildings--Prohibited acts.
(a) No person shall knowingly carry a loaded or unloaded pistol, revolver, or firearm or any other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V, whether open or concealed or whether licensed or unlicensed, upon his or her person or within any possessions owned or within the control of such person in a building owned or controlled by the city. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
(b) The chief of police of the city, or his designee, may issue a letter of permission to any individual or organized groups, for good cause shown, allowing the carrying of firearms in city buildings for a specific purpose identified in said letter. Such permission shall expire at a time certain to be included in said letter of permission.
(c) Law enforcement officers of the city and state shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Gun clubs utilizing the firing range at the junior sports league facility shall be exempt from this provision.
(Ord. No. 394, 8-12-98)"

But as I said in another post when RSA 159:26 went into effect in 2003 it over rided all codes like that. The chief said he has updated that and your allowed to carry into the lobby of the station He said if you needed to enter the station itself they would ask for your firearm and would lock it up and then return it after you left. He said you will have no problem open carrying in Claremont but privite bussiness have the right to set their stores as gun free.

Was your firearm holsted on your side? Or tucked into your waste band (gangster carry)? I'm not saying your wrong and they are right nor am I saying your right and they are wrong. As you where the only one there you know the facts better then I. But if you feel so stongly about it as you seem to indicate by your postings and tones in the post. Sit down with the police chief and talk to him face to face he is a eary down to earth guy and very nice. But to simply sit here and call the department and officers names who and what does that help?
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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As I understand it this all took place on the 16th in the Clarmeont, NH WalMart around 2:30am. Somone called the police to inform them that a man in the store had a gun. After arriving at the store the officers first talked to the WalMart staff. At that time some of the workers stated they felt uneasy about the firearm. The officers then went over and made contact with you. From what I have been told your firearm was half in your paints with only a small part sticking out of your waist band. At that time the officer then asked you for your permit because it looked concealed. I have been ubable to find a law stating how much of the firearm must be visible to be classifield as Open carry vs. Concealed carry. After talking with the police chief (Alex Scott) he did say the sgt was wrong in telling you that you could not carry in the police station lobby. He has taken care of that, the sgt was basing that off an old city code

"Sec. 9-3. Weapons in public buildings--Prohibited acts.
(a) No person shall knowingly carry a loaded or unloaded pistol, revolver, or firearm or any other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V, whether open or concealed or whether licensed or unlicensed, upon his or her person or within any possessions owned or within the control of such person in a building owned or controlled by the city. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
(b) The chief of police of the city, or his designee, may issue a letter of permission to any individual or organized groups, for good cause shown, allowing the carrying of firearms in city buildings for a specific purpose identified in said letter. Such permission shall expire at a time certain to be included in said letter of permission.
(c) Law enforcement officers of the city and state shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Gun clubs utilizing the firing range at the junior sports league facility shall be exempt from this provision.
(Ord. No. 394, 8-12-98)"

But as I said in another post when RSA 159:26 went into effect in 2003 it over rided all codes like that. The chief said he has updated that and your allowed to carry into the lobby of the station He said if you needed to enter the station itself they would ask for your firearm and would lock it up and then return it after you left. He said you will have no problem open carrying in Claremont but privite bussiness have the right to set their stores as gun free.

Was your firearm holsted on your side? Or tucked into your waste band (gangster carry)? I'm not saying your wrong and they are right nor am I saying your right and they are wrong. As you where the only one there you know the facts better then I. But if you feel so stongly about it as you seem to indicate by your postings and tones in the post. Sit down with the police chief and talk to him face to face he is a eary down to earth guy and very nice. But to simply sit here and call the department and officers names who and what does that help?

I had the gun in a holster and it was clearly visible, hence the ability to see it and call.

I get tired of these small town cops who are telling me i am going to get it if i make people feel uncomfy and a apology is due IMO. I made a mistake and should have held my ground and refused to to surrender my info but the high road looked good at that time.

pretty sad the way they handled me me at wally world and when i went to the station i got more incorrect drivel and threats that was the point ,not that i could have done things differently LOL they have officers that were following 8 year old codes? they never stated my gun was concealed hence the need for a permit request, never. they say what makes them look good and sound good but i got intimidation and ingnance with a side of crap.

thanks for your help and when i get a chance to call the PD i will speak with alex
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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just spoke with ALex, great guy and thanks again for the support and help all i appreciate it.

i should have called on monday but have been busy and i was just whiffed at the time and thought here was a place to vent and get info

i am thankful to all for their help
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Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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I had the gun in a holster and it was clearly visible, hence the ability to see it and call.

I get tired of these small town cops who are telling me i am going to get it if i make people feel uncomfy and a apology is due IMO. I made a mistake and should have held my ground and refused to to surrender my info but the high road looked good at that time.

pretty sad the way they handled me me at wally world and when i went to the station i got more incorrect drivel and threats that was the point ,not that i could have done things differently LOL they have officers that were following 8 year old codes? they never stated my gun was concealed hence the need for a permit request, never. they say what makes them look good and sound good but i got intimidation and ingnance with a side of crap.

thanks for your help and when i get a chance to call the PD i will speak with alex

Not to split hairs here but Claremont is not a small town. It's a City! The only city in Sullivan County,NH. Acworth Charlestown

Are all the towns that make up Sullivan county Claremont is the only city with in the county.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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just spoke with ALex, great guy and thanks again for the support and help all i appreciate it.

i should have called on monday but have been busy and i was just whiffed at the time and thought here was a place to vent and get info

i am thankful to all for their help

Good to hear it I told you all you had to do was call or show up and ask to speak to him. He is a vary laided back and down to earth person.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Not to split hairs here but Claremont is not a small town. It's a City!

City versus Town describes the form of government. There are Towns that are bigger than Claremont, and Cities that are smaller.

Almost anywhere in the country, if you talked about "small town politics" or "small town police" or "small town attitudes", a place with less than 14,000 population would qualify no matter what kind of government they have.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Not to split hairs here but Claremont is not a small town. It's a City! The only city in Sullivan County,NH. Acworth Charlestown

Are all the towns that make up Sullivan county Claremont is the only city with in the county.

i was speaking in general not just from one NH town to another. i have lived all over the world and the contry and claremont in my mind is a small town or city. I was also not speaking about population directly more to the point of the PD mentality anf them being 8 years behind the law and their assinine comments, seemed small town too me

i have lived where cops don't come because there are two shootings at the same time and they are busy but in claremont a OC gets 3 cop cars LOL

thanks for the help and support i appreciate it

if asked again by a LEO what rights do i have on being questioned and what is a good plan then for the future encounters?


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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i was speaking in general not just from one NH town to another. i have lived all over the world and the contry and claremont in my mind is a small town or city. I was also not speaking about population directly more to the point of the PD mentality anf them being 8 years behind the law and their assinine comments, seemed small town too me

i have lived where cops don't come because there are two shootings at the same time and they are busy but in claremont a OC gets 3 cop cars LOL

thanks for the help and support i appreciate it

if asked again by a LEO what rights do i have on being questioned and what is a good plan then for the future encounters?

Well a lot of the city codes don't ever get looked at till someone calls and says "Hey this code can no longer be enforced because of this reason." As I have done with both codes pertaining to firearms (One stating only police officers could have a firearm in city parks and the other is posted above. Firearms in public buildings owned or rented by the city.) Both become voided in 2003 when the state passed RSA 159:26 after I called and made the city aware of this they reviewed them and then removed them from the books. As for what you have to give a police officer for information per RSA 594:2 " 594:2 Questioning and Detaining Suspects. – A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he has reason to suspect is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime, and may demand of him his name, address, business abroad and where he is going."

But seeing as how Open Carry is legal in NH and open carry alone is not reasonable suspension enough to stop someone in NH. I would say as follows when the officer makes contact with you.

First ask AM I FREE TO GO? If the officer says no then say the following!

I hereby invoke my rights as guaranteed by the 4th,5th,6th, & 14th amendments to the U.S. constitution and parallel state law protections. I do not consent to a search of my person,belongings,home or car. I do not consent to any further detention of my person,belongings or car. Am I free to go now? If not, why not? if not, I hereby invoke my 4th amendment right to refuse permission to search , 6th amendment right to an attorney as well as my 5th amendment right to remain silent. until an attorney is provided.

(as stated on Penny S,Dean non-wavier of rights card)

If the officer says he will arrest you if you do not tell him who you are and your not wishing to go to jail. Tell him the information stated in RSA 594:2 your name,address and business aboard and where your going nothing more. The law does not state you must show him your ID it only states you must tell the officer that information. If they did try and arrest you more then likely it would be for RSA 644:2 Disorderly Conduct. I could only see them trying to use that with RSA 644:2:e

(e) Knowingly refuses to comply with a lawful order of a peace officer to move from or remain away from any public place; or
III. He purposely causes a breach of the peace, public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk thereof, by:

Keep in mind the recent US Supreme Court ruling On June 1, 2010, in deciding the Berghuis v. Thompkins case, the United States Supreme Court declared that criminal defendants who have been read the Miranda rights (and who have indicated they understand them and have not already waived them), must explicitly state during or before an interrogation begins that they wish to be silent and not speak to police in order for that protection against self-incrimination to apply. If they speak to police about the incident before invoking the Miranda right to remain silent, or afterwards at any point during the interrogation or detention, the words they speak may be used against them if they have not stated they do not want to speak to police.

Also keep in mind Earlier this term, the high court ruled that a suspect's request for a lawyer is good for only 14 days after the person is released from police custody — the first time the court has placed a time limit on a request for a lawyer — and that police do not have to explicitly tell suspects they have a right to a lawyer during an interrogation.
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Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
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A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he has reason to suspect is committing said:
The officer did not stop anyone because he saw him carrying. They got a call from an upest sheeple. That person may have said "I have a feeling that the man carrying a gun in front of me is about to comitt a robbery. Based on that the officer had reasonable suspicion to stop and question. IMHO


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he has reason to suspect is committing said:
The officer did not stop anyone because he saw him carrying. They got a call from an upest sheeple. That person may have said "I have a feeling that the man carrying a gun in front of me is about to comitt a robbery. Based on that the officer had reasonable suspicion to stop and question. IMHO
An anonymous call does not create RAS. A Terry stop is only justified by what the officer personally observes.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he has reason to suspect is committing said:
The officer did not stop anyone because he saw him carrying. They got a call from an upest sheeple. That person may have said "I have a feeling that the man carrying a gun in front of me is about to comitt a robbery. Based on that the officer had reasonable suspicion to stop and question. IMHO

They did receive a phone call from a person in the store but based on what I was told and understand they asked him to leave based on what the store employees said "that they felt uneasy". Knowing My town vary well and knowing more then a dozen employees who work at the store and having worked at that store my self. I can tell you that at 2:00 am not a whole hell of a lot of customers are in the store. A few people here and there but that's it for the most part. So I would have to say it was one of the night ICS/Stock workers who made the call. Calling the police about a man with a gun is one thing but taking it a step further and stating you think he/they/her are going to rob the store. Is a whole other thing in it's self!
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