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Gov. Hogan Declares a State of Emergency, Activates National Guard


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2011
Pacific, WA


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
The Governor has done what he can - made resources available. Far better to ask that the Guard be nationalized (access to better equipment & money to pay for them) while also being a declaration that civil authority in the city has collapsed.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
Gun permit owners though are few and far between as from research Maryland is one of those laughable places that is a 'may issue' state. Not surprising when police act like this. I feel sorry for the good ones. They have to somehow do their jobs properly when their colleagues are enforcing curfews, assaulting citizens and more. This is where we need a mass influx of copblockers and citizen militias and gun advocates can and will be invaluble here


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Gun permit owners though are few and far between as from research Maryland is one of those laughable places that is a 'may issue' state. Not surprising when police act like this. I feel sorry for the good ones. They have to somehow do their jobs properly when their colleagues are enforcing curfews, assaulting citizens and more. This is where we need a mass influx of copblockers and citizen militias and gun advocates can and will be invaluble here

You are kidding. Aren't you?

I'll bet you pump gasoline on fires to put them out, too.

As someone (not bragging, just stating fact) who has attended a significantly large number of riots on the "restore order" side I can share with you that so far this one does not make it anywhere near the top dozen. There are not whole neighborhoods burning with firemen laying dead next to their engines. There are not groups of peacekeeps who need a "Blackhawk Down" rescue that actually works. BTDT and they never gave us a t-shirt.

IMHO take the rifles/shotguns away from 90+% of the responders and replace them with 36-inch riot batons* and a few boxes of flex cuffs. Keep a small "safety net" of armed overwatchers who will fire into any crowd that cannot/will not maintain a 50-yard distance from the peacekeepers as they march through, pushing the crowds back to either where they came from or where they can be penned up. Just make sure there are enough peacekeepers so that the front row puts them down, the second row cuffs them, and the thoird & fourth rows stuff them into transport for processing.

* - a) if you give the peacekeepers weapons they are going to want to use them. And when the first one does there will be a lot of sympathetic firing following.

b) this is why they never should have done away with the '03 Springfield/M-1/M-14. A solid club with a pointy poker-thingy on one end of it. You just cannot get a decent vertical butt stroke with plastic. :(

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
You are

* - a) if you give the peacekeepers weapons they are going to want to use them. And when the first one does there will be a lot of sympathetic firing following.

totally false. I'll cite the Bundy Ranch as an example. Oathkeapers could have taken the lot of those trespassers out with a few AR-15s. They didnt because they respect the right to bear arms and didnt want any bloodshed. Show me a single example of a true patriot going crazy and pumping police and innocent people with bullets in a riot or Bundy Ranch situation. You won't find any, though the liberals would love to claim it's a risk waiting to happen


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
totally false. I'll cite the Bundy Ranch as an example. Oathkeapers could have taken the lot of those trespassers out with a few AR-15s. They didnt because they respect the right to bear arms and didnt want any bloodshed. Show me a single example of a true patriot going crazy and pumping police and innocent people with bullets in a riot or Bundy Ranch situation. You won't find any, though the liberals would love to claim it's a risk waiting to happen

Sweet shivering shiva! Did you not comprehend?

Your Oathkeepers and true patriots were not, are not, and never will be "peacekeepers". In the best of times they will be a nuisance. In the worst case they will be armed insurrectionists.

"[T]he lot of those trespassers" does not in any way equate with rioters committing arson, burglary, and/or assault.

I forget what the technical term is to describe this sort of perverted argument (read: debate, not shouting) but I do get tired of it whether it come them "them" or from "us".

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
Sweet shivering shiva! Did you not comprehend?

Your Oathkeepers and true patriots were not, are not, and never will be "peacekeepers". In the best of times they will be a nuisance. In the worst case they will be armed insurrectionists.

"[T]he lot of those trespassers" does not in any way equate with rioters committing arson, burglary, and/or assault.

I forget what the technical term is to describe this sort of perverted argument (read: debate, not shouting) but I do get tired of it whether it come them "them" or from "us".

stay safe.

Where did you get that from? MSNBC? I can hardly believe such views are even being thought of let alone being expressed on a forum such as this. Maybe you think we should trust the government to take care of us and be our friends as well?

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

I gotta back up to post #7,,, both the quote and the reply, cause im thick in the head that way... But...

AT the Bundy ranch,,,,
Who were the Oathkeepers?
Who were the peacekeepers?
Who were the patriots?
Who were the trespassers?
Who respected the right to keep and bear?
Who didnt want bloodshead?
Who were the good guys?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I gotta back up to post #7,,, both the quote and the reply, cause im thick in the head that way... But...

AT the Bundy ranch,,,,
Who were the Oathkeepers?
Who were the peacekeepers?
Who were the patriots?
Who were the trespassers?
Who respected the right to keep and bear?
Who didnt want bloodshead?
Who were the good guys?


#1 - The location was under dispute as to possession. Bundy had no proof of title. At best he could claim adverse possession,
#2 - Already admitted into evidence - they used that name and identified themselves individually and as a group by that name.
#3 - Already admitted into evidence - sworn officers charged with that duty. There are procedures that "ordinary citizens" can follow to assume that role. The "ordinary citizens" involved actually refused to follow those procedures.
#4 - Already admitted into evidence. BLM claimed title and Bundy had nothing to refute the claim. He suggested adverse possession but never pursued the issue.
#5 - Irrelevant and immaterial.
#6 - Argumentative and asks the witness to express an opinion.
#7 - Argumentative and asks the witness to express an opinion.

There are days when I truely tire of the puerile attempts to express legal argument. Today is such a day.

stay safe.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
You are IMHO take the rifles/shotguns away from 90+% of the responders and replace them with 36-inch riot batons* and a few boxes of flex cuffs. Keep a small "safety net" of armed overwatchers who will fire into any crowd that cannot/will not maintain a 50-yard distance from the peacekeepers as they march through, pushing the crowds back to either where they came from or where they can be penned up. Just make sure there are enough peacekeepers so that the front row puts them down, the second row cuffs them, and the thoird & fourth rows stuff them into transport for processing.

Six columns:

1. First Column (puts them down)

2. Second Column (cuffs them)

3. Third Column (stuffs them into transport for processing)

4. Fourth Column (hauls them away)

5. Fifth Column (incarceration and bureaucracy regime)

6. Sixth Column (snipers with silencers on the rooftops who will hopefully spot and take down criminal shooters/bombers before they kill too many people)

* - a) if you give the peacekeepers weapons they are going to want to use them. And when the first one does there will be a lot of sympathetic firing following.

b) this is why they never should have done away with the '03 Springfield/M-1/M-14. A solid club with a pointy poker-thingy on one end of it. You just cannot get a decent vertical butt stroke with plastic. :(

stay safe.

I've only been directly involved in three peacekeeping operations, none of which were associated with my twenty years of active duty military service:

In the first, a swift right elbow to the jaw ended enemy aggression.

In the second, it was me in a white t-shirt and cotton gym shorts walking barefoot into the midst of a hostile crowd of 50 in California during the summer of 1990. They didn't know what to make of me, so they dispersed. Free meals at that place of business for the rest of the year.

In the third, my ex stepped off planet Earth. That taught me a valuable lesson: There's no such thing as "peacekeeping" when someone has taken leave of their senses. It's either hold on for the ride of your life or bail and clean up the mess later.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Six columns:

1. First Column (puts them down)

2. Second Column (cuffs them)

3. Third Column (stuffs them into transport for processing)

4. Fourth Column (hauls them away)

5. Fifth Column (incarceration and bureaucracy regime)

6. Sixth Column (snipers with silencers on the rooftops who will hopefully spot and take down criminal shooters/bombers before they kill too many people)


Ranks, not columns.

And they say jarheads are stupid. ::sigh::

stay safe.


Regular Member
Apr 7, 2013
The Guv was waiting for the Mayor of Baltimore to call on him...he waited three days and finally, after Baltimore was on fire, she called him.

He was busy at the All-You-Can-Eat-and-Then-Some Buffet, so it's understandable.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
You are kidding. Aren't you?

I'll bet you pump gasoline on fires to put them out, too.

As someone (not bragging, just stating fact) who has attended a significantly large number of riots on the "restore order" side I can share with you that so far this one does not make it anywhere near the top dozen. There are not whole neighborhoods burning with firemen laying dead next to their engines. There are not groups of peacekeeps who need a "Blackhawk Down" rescue that actually works. BTDT and they never gave us a t-shirt.

IMHO take the rifles/shotguns away from 90+% of the responders and replace them with 36-inch riot batons* and a few boxes of flex cuffs. Keep a small "safety net" of armed overwatchers who will fire into any crowd that cannot/will not maintain a 50-yard distance from the peacekeepers as they march through, pushing the crowds back to either where they came from or where they can be penned up. Just make sure there are enough peacekeepers so that the front row puts them down, the second row cuffs them, and the thoird & fourth rows stuff them into transport for processing.

* - a) if you give the peacekeepers weapons they are going to want to use them. And when the first one does there will be a lot of sympathetic firing following.

b) this is why they never should have done away with the '03 Springfield/M-1/M-14. A solid club with a pointy poker-thingy on one end of it. You just cannot get a decent vertical butt stroke with plastic. :(

stay safe.

Wasn't "transporting for processing" the reason all this started in the first place. Or was it the transporters lack of following transporting procedure that started it all?

Last edited:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Joe -

Stuff is coming out now that looks a whole lot like confirmation that he was cuffed (hands behind the back) and shackled (feet restrained) but not seatbelted as required by a policy announced just a few days before the inciodent.

6 cops indicted. TV legal commentors* are already speculating on how many, and who, will be asking for deals in return for testimony. (Somebody please get me a diet soda when you are at the concession stand ordering your popcorn.)

stay safe.

* "comentor" = one who comments.
"commentator" = one who commentates. Just how does one "commentate"?


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Joe -

Stuff is coming out now that looks a whole lot like confirmation that he was cuffed (hands behind the back) and shackled (feet restrained) but not seatbelted as required by a policy announced just a few days before the inciodent.

6 cops indicted. TV legal commentors* are already speculating on how many, and who, will be asking for deals in return for testimony. (Somebody please get me a diet soda when you are at the concession stand ordering your popcorn.)

stay safe.

* "comentor" = one who comments.
"commentator" = one who commentates. Just how does one "commentate"?

Hi Skid

Well whether you are a commentator or commentate, I enjoy reading your post...

Personally, I feel the prosecutor is premature with her indictment. I believe the Fed needs to investigate and charge accordingly then the State. Please recall the Rodney king incident, the state bought charges and lost the case and the city exploded with riots etc, then the Feds bought charges and I believe 2/3 of the officers were charged and sentenced... My point is, if the state fails to get convictions on their premature charges the folks in Baltimore and possible around the country just may see another LA.



Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
When a private citizen commits a crime they are arrested on the spot, or shortly there after. The prosecutor is correct, same rules for everybody.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
When a private citizen commits a crime they are arrested on the spot, or shortly there after. The prosecutor is correct, same rules for everybody.

I have read several MSM published opinions on this today. I guess we will know better if she was correct with her facts, timing and charging decisions as this winds through the system.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I have read several MSM published opinions on this today. I guess we will know better if she was correct with her facts, timing and charging decisions as this winds through the system.

The outcome will be the same in court based on the evidence whether she waited for a grand jury or not. We have been charging officials here in NC for decades with good results. Every good cop knows that time is of the essence of getting a conviction. Not taking time, but getting cases to the courtroom in a efficient manner.

Ya Know that whole speedy trial thang...