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Gun goes off at famous French Quarter restaurant


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

From WAFB Link:

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Friday lunches can get a bit rowdy at Galatoire's, the stately French Quarter restaurant that has been serving up French Creole cuisine for more than 100 years.

A New Orleans tradition for the city's blue bloods, politicians and powerbrokers, this Friday's lunch dished up a new thrill - a gunshot in the main dining room.

A handgun fell out of a woman's purse, discharging accidentally when it hit the restaurant's floor, according to a news release from Galatoire's.

The bullet hit a wall. No one was injured.

Police went to the restaurant, but no charges were filed.

Lunch service continued after the incident.

I'm glad no one was hurt and everything went back to normal. This just proves the CC isn't always the best choice. If you can't handle a firearm, you shouldn't carry one. If you decide to carry a firearm, you should always be aware of where it is. In my opinion, you should always have it secured in some fashion. Rolling in the bottom of your purse isn't always the best choice. Again, glad no one was hurt, but I am curious what the outcome will be.


Regular Member
May 5, 2010
Renton, Washington, USA
There's no excuse for this happening. I CC most of the time because of my work. I have a gun purse made specifically for carrying a gun. There is a special compartment on the side of the purse that has a holster in it and it is accessible from the outside of the purse. Incidents like this make ALL gun owners look irresponsble. If your gun has a safety, use it! Thank God no one was hurt. This person was lucky this time; might not be so lucky next time. And the restaurant may decide to ban carry in the restaurant because of this. If you can't carry responsibly, don't carry!

LA Confederate

Regular Member
Jul 9, 2009
Hammond Area, LA, ,
There's no excuse for this happening. I CC most of the time because of my work. I have a gun purse made specifically for carrying a gun. There is a special compartment on the side of the purse that has a holster in it and it is accessible from the outside of the purse. Incidents like this make ALL gun owners look irresponsble. If your gun has a safety, use it! Thank God no one was hurt. This person was lucky this time; might not be so lucky next time. And the restaurant may decide to ban carry in the restaurant because of this. If you can't carry responsibly, don't carry!

+1 gazillion. It's morons like the one in this article that gives responsible firearms owners a bad name and piss poor public image.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Most all modern handguns are drop proof.

Wonder what brand and model she was carrying.


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2008
Louisiana, USA
The gun was in Senator Julie Quinn?s purse.

The gun was in Senator Julie Quinn?s purse. http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2010/09/gunfire_in_galatoires.html

So a senator does not feel safe eating lunch in the Quarter and we are supposed to? Is this another in a long line of cover ups?

How can one cover a story and neglect the facts. The great citizens of Jefferson Parish should know the truth. I was eating lunch at Galatoire’s yesterday with my fellow constituents when the gun went off. I actually thought we were being robbed. It was extremely unfortunate for me and my party to find out that the gun was in Senator Julie Quinn’s purse. To continue, her boyfriend Councilman John Young was with her trying to keep the press away from the story, which he succeeded. What concerns me, as a citizen of Jefferson Parish is how Councilman Young can keep his name out of the paper? Mr. Young, you preach and campaign on “Mr. Good Government” when you are the most hypocritical person on the council! My great grandfather always told me “DON’T THROW STONES AT A GLASS HOUSE” and you of all people live in one. It is a disgrace to the Parish that you are running for Parish President. If we still live in a world where prayers can be answered please lord do not let this monster win. Councilman Young, why was your girlfriend carrying a weapon? Is she in danger? Galatoire’s is a five star restaurant and somebody innocent could have been killed. In short, how do two elected officials eat at Galatoire’s? Both of you could not afford a bowl of gumbo with your income and it strikes me dearly that you were here. Applebee’s would have been a better choice Senator Julie Quinn and Councilman at Large John Young. Classless!!!! Good job being dishonest Mr. McCarthy. If I were the Times Picayune I would want your resignation letter Monday morning. I hope all of the great citizens of Jefferson Parish read this. Please pass on!!!!!!!!


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Galatoire's gun mystery, owner revealed

New Orleans police on Monday said the gun belonged to Cheryl Mintz, who handles public relations for the Hurwitz Mintz furniture store. She was accompanied at the restaurant by her husband, Brett Bauman, who owns Planetguide Interactive Media, which counts Galatoire's as a customer.

Garry Flot, a spokesman for the NOPD, said Bauman is the registered owner of the weapon, an extra-small pistol known as a derringer, manufactured by Cobra Enterprises. But it was in Mintz's purse. Both Mintz and Bauman have concealed-carry permits, Flot said.



Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
How can anyone be the "registered" owner of the gun? There is no such thing as gun registration in La. It's like saying, John Doe is the registered owner of the bicycle he was riding.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
, ,
Yet another example as to why Louisiana Revised Statute 14:95.4 and Louisiana Revised Statutue 14:95.5, both, need to be Repealed by The Louisiana State Legislature.
Neither Code does anything to keep anyone safe..., and yes..., accidental Discharges, although very extremely rare, do happen.
Furthermore, the later-half of Louisiana Revised Statute 40:1796A, needs to be revised to exclude the exceptions to Preemption concerning: 1. Commercial Establishments AND 2. Public Buildings.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2009
Independence, Louisiana, USA


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2010
New Orleans police on Monday said the gun belonged to Cheryl Mintz, who handles public relations for the Hurwitz Mintz furniture store. She was accompanied at the restaurant by her husband, Brett Bauman, who owns Planetguide Interactive Media, which counts Galatoire's as a customer.

Garry Flot, a spokesman for the NOPD, said Bauman is the registered owner of the weapon, an extra-small pistol known as a derringer, manufactured by Cobra Enterprises. But it was in Mintz's purse. Both Mintz and Bauman have concealed-carry permits, Flot said.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Garry Flot, a spokesman for the NOPD, said Bauman is the registered owner of the weapon, an extra-small pistol known as a derringer, manufactured by Cobra Enterprises. But it was in Mintz's purse. Both Mintz and Bauman have concealed-carry permits, Flot said.

No, she's not. I can guarantee it.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
So whose purse did the gun fall out of?

There's an unattributed "eyewitness" account saying Julis Quinn, and a follow-up newspaper account saying Cheryl Mintz.

Inquiring minds want to know?

stay safe.