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Gun scene shows folly of NH laws *Warning, this may upset you.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
It's sensationalistic reporting, and self-congratulatory government chest thumping, but the story itself isn't all that dramatic. A private event on private property, and the sponsors asked someone to leave. They left. No incident, no issue.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
Ashland, Kentucky, USA
It's sensationalistic reporting, and self-congratulatory government chest thumping, but the story itself isn't all that dramatic. A private event on private property, and the sponsors asked someone to leave. They left. No incident, no issue.

I was just imagining the elementary school taunt "na na na na nana" playing in the backgrond the whole time I was reading the article.
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New member
Jun 30, 2011
Manchester, NH
It's sensationalistic reporting, and self-congratulatory government chest thumping, but the story itself isn't all that dramatic. A private event on private property, and the sponsors asked someone to leave. They left. No incident, no issue.

Actually it was a Public Event on Private Property, and required that you pay admission... and just a little side note... not one person employed by the museum, nor the owner of the property (who called the police), ever approached the couple requesting they leave. Personally i thing that is a huge lack of respect on the owner's behalf and waste of Tax Payers money, and the police's time. i am confident that the couple would have left if asked by the owner or some form of Management. instead they call the police and the Officer get a commendation for "defusing the situation"


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Actually it was a Public Event on Private Property, and required that you pay admission...
I believe you're using the term "public event" to mean "open to the general public", in the same way a store is.

Like a store, the event and venue were both "private": not owned by the government. Requiring an admission fee to this event that was held in a private venue just reinforces that point.

Steve Davis

New member
Jul 8, 2011
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States

I finally have to comment on this. I live in Portsmouth, about a 5-10 minute walk from the park. The location is actually Prescott Park, abutting Strawberry Banke. ITS ALL PUBLIC. That is until you step into Strawberry Banke. Most people don't know where the actual border line is. Portsmouth is Liberal Looney land NH. All it was about was some "official" types were there and it made for a "security problem". Now, I'm all for open carry and do so often. Just not in Portsmouth. Mainly because of what I said and the fact the city is a tourist trap and tourists don't know the laws here. I walked into a grocery store with my girlfriend with just my extra mag pouch(single) and my SERPA holster, and was given the deer-in-the-headlights look from a lot of people. Call it cowardice on my part, but I consider it testing the area. Just my .02


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2011
Hampton, New Hampshire, United States
Liberal loonies or not, I have carried in Portsmouth for a while now that I work in the area, and haven't had an incident or a comment made. I'll continue to carry in Portsmouth so long as it is legal to do so. I carried once into Prescott Park before without incident on a normal day. There were 2 people that saw me with my gun on my side and quickly left, but nothing ever happen after that.