marrero jeff
Regular Member
imported post
This is for all of us "gunsnobs" who get flack for not liking hi-point.
This is for all of us "gunsnobs" who get flack for not liking hi-point.
:lol: I actually laughed out loud.Hi Point to HK.....
...from bad to worse.
You're going from a group who is probably a little too proud of their crappy guns to a group who is obnoxiouslyarrogant about theirmediocre ones.
Hk.......because we're better than you.
Colt series 70what kind of 1911 is in your picture wolf?
You sir, and I use the term very loosely, are an idiot. You even started a thread to prove it.This is for all of us "gunsnobs" who get flack for not liking hi-point.
hhahahahahahaa that is probably the biggest ad fail ive ever seen!!!
well congratulations...Im pretty sure this threads gonna get locked the second the mods see it.marrero jeff wrote:You sir, and I use the term very loosely, are an idiot. You even started a thread to prove it.This is for all of us "gunsnobs" who get flack for not liking hi-point.
Nobody on this forum, anywhere that I can find anyway, takes issue with someone who doesn't like Hi-Points. Much like blondes versus brunettes versus redheads or Dodge versusFord versus Chevy,it's all about personal preference. A mature adult would know that.
No, the problem with you and people like you, are that they use lies, innuendoand third hand information about Hi-Points (or any other manufacturer for that matter) to degrade them and tomake them feel better about whatever their brand of choice is. The fact of the matter is that Hi-points are heavy (objective) and kinda ugly (subjective) but for thousands of owners they are absolutely accurate, dependable, and functional tools at a budget price. Some of us don't need to have an expensive gun to hide other personal shortcomings.
An HK is a good gun. It should be for double the price of a Glock and six times the price of a Hi-Point. Someday when I need a gun to sit in the safe and look pretty, I might even buy one.
isnt yankee hill in that price range?anyone know of a good suppresor for a sig p226 tactical in the$1000-12000 range?my brother and i have been looking around. open to any suggestions.
We sell a lot of AWC suppressors at work and many of my co-workers like them. Give them a shot.anyone know of a good suppresor for a sig p226 tactical in the$1000-12000 range?my brother and i have been looking around. open to any suggestions.
My gun committed suicide today...Hi Point to HK.....
...from bad to worse.
You're going from a group who is probably a little too proud of their crappy guns to a group who is obnoxiouslyarrogant about theirmediocre ones.
Hk.......because we're better than you.
Superlite27 wrote:My gun committed suicide today...Hi Point to HK.....
...from bad to worse.
You're going from a group who is probably a little too proud of their crappy guns to a group who is obnoxiouslyarrogant about theirmediocre ones.
Hk.......because we're better than you.
My gun committed suicide today...
HK fans should read this thread!!!
Wow! Very interesting. :quirkyMy gun committed suicide today...
My gun committed suicide today...
HK fans should read this thread!!!
I gotta know, and be honest.1245A Defender wrote:Wow! Very interesting. :quirkyMy gun committed suicide today...
My gun committed suicide today...
HK fans should read this thread!!!
So... For just under $1000 I can get a gun that might KB and comes with only a two part warranty (if it breaks in half, you can keep both parts). Or for $150ish, I can get a piece of junk with a lifetime warranty.
Before you start, show me one instance of a Hi-Point going KaBoom (the one plastered all over the internetz that was intentionally damaged doesn't count). Then show me a Hi-Point owner who ever had to pay Hi-Point to have their gun repaired.
Oh yeah, don't forget to include some lame excuses and third hand information.