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Gun Snob Cafe


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Jun 24, 2008
Manchester State Forest, SC
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ItTakesAWolf wrote:
Im a moron liar because you claim to own over $10,000 worth of handguns (in an argument over how awesome you think hi point is) and I call you out???....

nice... hhahhahahahahahahah
No, I'm sure you're a moron for many other reasons than that. This is the only one I'm personally aware of.

If you really for a secondthink that I'm going to pull out all my iron and take a picture just for this thread, well,wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

If you chose not to believe me, that's entirely your option and also your mistake. I don't really care being as you're just another anonymous internet nobody. So if it makes you and your forum buds feel better about yourselves, I don't own any of those guns anymore. I lost them all in a tornado the other night. I don't even have a Hi-Point anymore.

There. Happy?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
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I appreciate your reluctance to posting the pics, considering the baiting and the rudeness. However, for those of us who have treated you respectfully and who have decried the rudeness, would you consider posting a few shots...er...pics?


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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eye95 wrote:

I appreciate your reluctance to posting the pics, considering the baiting and the rudeness. However, for those of us who have treated you respectfully and who have decried the rudeness, would you consider posting a few shots...er...pics?
I understand The Point you need to prove, specifically With Hobo..

Outside of your specific gripe with Hobo; I have provided pictures and proof that Gun Owners can own "nice" pistols and still fully support Hi Point "junk" pistols. Like I said; I like my Hi Point .40SW very much and would carry it daily if I could find the right holster.

If anybody needs to know; also own a Bersa 9mm Thunder Pro.. Don't mind taking pictures to Prove it. The Bersa and the Taurus are both nice firearms. They were expensive; they are reliable; accurate, beautiful, tactical, etc.

And I still LOVE my Hi Point! :)


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
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cscitney87 wrote:
eye95 wrote:

I appreciate your reluctance to posting the pics, considering the baiting and the rudeness. However, for those of us who have treated you respectfully and who have decried the rudeness, would you consider posting a few shots...er...pics?
I understand The Point you need to prove, specifically With Hobo..

Outside of your specific gripe with Hobo; I have provided pictures and proof that Gun Owners can own "nice" pistols and still fully support Hi Point "junk" pistols. Like I said; I like my Hi Point .40SW very much and would carry it daily if I could find the right holster.

If anybody needs to know; also own a Bersa 9mm Thunder Pro.. Don't mind taking pictures to Prove it. The Bersa and the Taurus are both nice firearms. They were expensive; they are reliable; accurate, beautiful, tactical, etc.

And I still LOVE my Hi Point! :)
I have no point to prove.

BTW, I just purchased a Hi Point for my wife. My son also owns one. I have nothing against them.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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It's easy to see that you are trying to prove a point by continually and repeatedly requesting pictures for Proof.

You are trying to say.... "You are pretending to own lots of nice pistols so you can Not look bias when you support Hi Point pistols."

And you are saying.. "You cannot post pictures of your 'nice' pistols there for you are proven to be bias for Hi Point and your opinion therefor doesn't matter."

Dude he doesn't have to post any pictures. Lost in a Tornado or Not... Get off his back stop riding him through post after post. No need to hound him for pictures.

It's done. It's been proven. There ARE in fact "Gun Snobs" that support Hi Point 'junk' pistols.


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Dec 30, 2009
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ItTakesAWolf wrote:
eye95 wrote:
Wow. He asks. You answer. He says you lie!

Why even ask? :shock:

well... I didnt know he was gonna claim to own a safe chock full of good pistols while carrying and arguing for hi point...

really...did anyone see that coming?


I wanna hear from someone that owns a few of the pistols he mentioned that actually ops to carry a hi point...

if this guy is for real, hes is an anomaly.

I own a hi-point carbine. I have had it for seven or eight years. I like it, it's fun to shoot. I've shot their pistols, I've got nothing against them and I'd even own one, it's just not the first on my list at the moment.

A while back I used to carry a makarov everywhere I went. At that point in time, they were selling for much less than they are now. Even cheaper was the PA-63, going for just over $100. Many owners/collectors of Maks would buy PA-63s to carry because they were cheap. A lot of other gun owners did the same thing.

Why did owners of top-quality 1911s, HKs, mint East German maks etc carry around those little crappy PA-63s? Because they were reliable and cheap. No one wants to be involved in a shoot, but if you are involved in one, do you want to lose a $750 pistol for 6-18 months and have it returned in an unknown condition? It's happened more times than one might think.

If someone has found a reliable, inexpensive handgun that they are comfortable carrying then I don't see a problem. Of all of the hi-point owners I know personally, none has a problem with their weapon. Of all of the bad reviews I've seen online, none has been from a hi-point owner. You see, there are plenty of people who buy cheap guns and trash them - name me more than one good review a Lorcin, Jennings, Jimez, Bryco etc.

What does it matter to you if this guy likes his hi-point? Why can't we enjoy high markup guns as well as high value guns?

ETA - actually, I think it's been 10 years that I've owned the hi-point.


Regular Member
Jun 24, 2008
Manchester State Forest, SC
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eye95 wrote:

I appreciate your reluctance to posting the pics, considering the baiting and the rudeness. However, for those of us who have treated you respectfully and who have decried the rudeness, would you consider posting a few shots...er...pics?
I thought aboutthat after allowing myself to get baited into posting the list. I recognize that I made a mistake the first time and don't intend to repeat it. Besides, unless I post a picture of every gun I own the battle cry will still be that I don't own everything on the list.

However, I have posted a pic of my M9 on the this board previously so I'll re-post it here. Of course even this doesn't prove anything except I have access to a picture of a Steyr M9, CCC ClingOn holster and BMCs, some cheap reloaded ammo and a Mexican blanket.



Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Oh I'm calling you out. That's MY MEXICAN BLANKET!!! You just photo shopped some internet gun pics on top of the pictures I posted of My Mexican Blanket! Nope.. not gunna work.. still gotta post pics of All those guns! If you say you lost them in a Tornado; well we won't be happy unless you post pictures of the pistols literally being sucked up into the clouds and blown away. Anything less is tripe! ;)

JK thanks for the pic that's a nice one. Glad you are behind Hi Points too. Like I said in a different thread..

If MKS Supply decided that Hi Point is going to charge $300 for a new pistol- they will still sell a Shit load of pistols. They could charge $500 and the pistol will still go Bang Bang every time. They can charge $1000 and the pistol will Still Go Bang Bang.

But hey "I paid more" so "I deserve more"


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
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cscitney87 wrote:
It's easy to see that you are trying to prove a point by continually and repeatedly requesting pictures for Proof.

You are trying to say.... "You are pretending to own lots of nice pistols so you can Not look bias when you support Hi Point pistols."

And you are saying.. "You cannot post pictures of your 'nice' pistols there for you are proven to be bias for Hi Point and your opinion therefor doesn't matter."

Dude he doesn't have to post any pictures. Lost in a Tornado or Not... Get off his back stop riding him through post after post. No need to hound him for pictures.

It's done. It's been proven. There ARE in fact "Gun Snobs" that support Hi Point 'junk' pistols.
Please reread the entire thread. You are confusing me with another poster. I have not repeatedly requested anything. If you are going to get harsh with someone, please make sure you are posting to the poster you think you are posting to. Please.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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eye95 wrote:
cscitney87 wrote:
It's easy to see that you are trying to prove a point by continually and repeatedly requesting pictures for Proof.

You are trying to say.... "You are pretending to own lots of nice pistols so you can Not look bias when you support Hi Point pistols."

And you are saying.. "You cannot post pictures of your 'nice' pistols there for you are proven to be bias for Hi Point and your opinion therefor doesn't matter."

Dude he doesn't have to post any pictures. Lost in a Tornado or Not... Get off his back stop riding him through post after post. No need to hound him for pictures.

It's done. It's been proven. There ARE in fact "Gun Snobs" that support Hi Point 'junk' pistols.
Please reread the entire thread. You are confusing me with another poster. I have not repeatedly requested anything. If you are going to get harsh with someone, please make sure you are posting to the poster you think you are posting to. Please.
I actually Never posted about You, Eye, Once... I would have quoted you if I was talking about you. I know how to use the Quote feature and I use it quite often. No sweat, bud. Nobody's coming down on you, Eye. :) Have a good day.

When I use "You" as the Subject and I reply Without Quoting You; rest assured I am using the singular You while addressing the plural Us or Forum Members or Forum Posters or Participants In This Thread.

Funny thing is you are confusing me for confusing you with another poster. :) I never addressed You specifically.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
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cscitney87 wrote:
eye95 wrote:
cscitney87 wrote:
It's easy to see that you are trying to prove a point by continually and repeatedly requesting pictures for Proof.

You are trying to say.... "You are pretending to own lots of nice pistols so you can Not look bias when you support Hi Point pistols."

And you are saying.. "You cannot post pictures of your 'nice' pistols there for you are proven to be bias for Hi Point and your opinion therefor doesn't matter."

Dude he doesn't have to post any pictures. Lost in a Tornado or Not... Get off his back stop riding him through post after post. No need to hound him for pictures.

It's done. It's been proven. There ARE in fact "Gun Snobs" that support Hi Point 'junk' pistols.
Please reread the entire thread. You are confusing me with another poster. I have not repeatedly requested anything. If you are going to get harsh with someone, please make sure you are posting to the poster you think you are posting to. Please.
I actually Never posted about You, Eye, Once... I would have quoted you if I was talking about you. I know how to use the Quote feature and I use it quite often. No sweat, bud. Nobody's coming down on you, Eye. :) Have a good day.

When I use "You" as the Subject and I reply Without Quoting You; rest assured I am using the singular You while addressing the plural Us or Forum Members or Forum Posters or Participants In This Thread.

Funny thing is you are confusing me for confusing you with another poster. :) I never addressed You specifically.
Go back and reread the thread. You did quote me (10:33 CDT). Anyway, I'm done with this sub-thread. Moving on.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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This threads a little stupid anyway. Value is Sooooo Subjective. "Overpriced" is an Subjective term. Objective versus Subjective; where Subjective is based on Opinion and may vary from person to person. Objective is where only Facts are presented; such as the price in USD. Subjective such as beauty and value.

Some of us are actually doing really well in terms of finances. Some of us are making $3,000 a month. Some of us are making $5,000 a month. Some of us are making $850 a month. Some of us are even bringing in over $300,000 a year. Some of us don't work at all because our families are rich, have been and will be.

A $150 Hi Point is a great value to anybody.

A $600 Glock is still in the same Price Range, for the rich, as the Hi Point.

A $1000 HK is Still in the same price range as the previous two pistols.

For some of us.. we can throw $1000 around once a weekend. Some of us can barely afford 3 square meals a day over the weekend. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need to go ahead and put and end to these types of threads. I am all for praise and critique, but lets just leave the Personal Opinions as they are.

Opinions are Not Facts. Ugly is an opinion. Reliable is even an opinion. My reliable is jamming Once every 1000 rounds. Your reliable is NEVER jamming at all. His reliable is jamming Once every 100 rounds. Facts- slide is stainless steel.. magazine capacity is 6 rounds... barrel is rifled.. Is Double Action. Is Single Action..


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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I see what quote you are referring to. Then how could you confuse me for confusing you with another poster when I clearly responded to your post? :) Gotchya!


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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marrero jeff wrote:
Bersas and Taurus's arent expensive. BTW Dreamer, your Caspian is sick.
Aren't expensive? Another objective statement. Lets stick with the facts. One man's expensive is another man's cheap. One man's cheap is another man's dream. But hey you tried.


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Dec 30, 2009
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I have no problem with either of those brands, but I would tend to agree that they are considered low priced firearms in the gun community at-large.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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CarryOpen wrote:
I have no problem with either of those brands, but I would tend to agree that they are considered low priced firearms in the gun community at-large.
Hey another Subjective statement. Hi Point to Taurus- Taurus is High Prices. Taurus to Glock- Taurus is medium price. Taurus to HK- Taurus is low price. Hi Point is extra low price. But hey you tried.


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Dec 30, 2009
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A Corolla costs you 40% more than a Kia, but it's still a low-cost offering. I don't know why it bothers you, but Taurus and Bersa are both at the low end of firearm cost before you get into cheap junk guns and a couple of very inexpensive guns that happen to be a good value.

You can try to condescend with the "hey you tried", but go ahead and survey gun owners and see how many think either Bersa or Taurus are "expensive" brands. They have both always been considered "cheap" brands. Bersa has always made a quality product at a low price, Taurus has not always done so. But they have always both been inexpensive on the market.