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The one ironic thing about this thread is that I don't think anyone posting in it has any fear of getting raped. Probably the person who came up with the tips doesn't either. One thing that does stand out in this lis is:
If you choose to fight, fight effectively. A half-hearted attempt at resistance could be worse than no resistance at all.
I cannot who made this comment but was raked over the coals repeatedly for it"When rape is eneviatble, just go ahead and enjoy it". Sounds terrible but may be something to it. Rape is and act of violence not sex. Very few rapes are for teh sexual pleasure but rather for the power and control over their victim. A half hearted resistance is exactly what they want. In fact insame cases if the victim doesn't fight back then they don't care about it at all.
This is not to say anything other than be prepared and a gun, knive, mace, pepper spray or baseball bat is a start for protection. But what if you don't have any of those, are you suppose to say wait, I don't have my gun on me because I can't carry right now but I am protesting with my empty holster.
The one ironic thing about this thread is that I don't think anyone posting in it has any fear of getting raped. Probably the person who came up with the tips doesn't either. One thing that does stand out in this lis is:
If you choose to fight, fight effectively. A half-hearted attempt at resistance could be worse than no resistance at all.
I cannot who made this comment but was raked over the coals repeatedly for it"When rape is eneviatble, just go ahead and enjoy it". Sounds terrible but may be something to it. Rape is and act of violence not sex. Very few rapes are for teh sexual pleasure but rather for the power and control over their victim. A half hearted resistance is exactly what they want. In fact insame cases if the victim doesn't fight back then they don't care about it at all.
This is not to say anything other than be prepared and a gun, knive, mace, pepper spray or baseball bat is a start for protection. But what if you don't have any of those, are you suppose to say wait, I don't have my gun on me because I can't carry right now but I am protesting with my empty holster.