"Frankly, sir, this is a disgusting post. Incidentally, Russian culture is every bit as aggressive, loutish, and uncivilized as is urban culture, and as far a I can tell you're still as much a Russian as an American." -- Il Maresciallo
So, we both are making "disgusting" posts, but yours is about Russians and mine is about blacks, even though you agree they are "loutish" also (using your "urban culture" euphemism)? Give me the rest of the day to get my mind around that kind of thinking as I attempt to connect the dots...
Presently, however, I have to ask: What is your negative fascination with Russians, as you've called me that before? If anything I have White Russian in me, not Red...so I'm more reactionary (Czarist) than Communist (Bolshevik). But maybe you and I are really related somehow, seeing as we have similar views? Could we be long-lost bros (brahs in Hawaii) or something? Separated at birth perhaps? ;-)
But yes, I AM an American, a REAL one, not a poser that passes for one nowadays. Thank you so much for noticing...
I didn't know Russians (in general) were "loutish" people, but even if they were "loutish," we don't have a huge population of Russians here all over America to be concerned about, do we. And I haven't seen any Russian "protestors" out in the streets burning & looting -- ever. And "loutish" doesn't AT ALL imply violent behavior, does it. But we DO have a huge population of blacks, don't we. And yes, they are aggressive (not loutish) AND violent -- where have you been all your life? Have you been in prison with them? Or in combat with them? Did you ever live on the street and experience that reality? Or ever lived in the Greater Houston Texas Metroplex? Does the burning & looting we've seen recently (and in the past with more to come in the future) indicate violent behavior? And it happens almost always in THEIR neighborhoods. What OTHER ethnic group in America tends to react that way to ANY provocation, real OR imagined?
Really, what is YOUR "expertise" in the matter? None.
Finding facts "disgusting" seems like some sort of mental disorder...or maybe it's just your silly sombrero being too tight out there in the hot sun of the Sierra Madre?
So because you think I'm Russian I'm "loutish" also (besides disgusting)? Is that name-calling, since you aren't meaning that as a compliment, not only insulting me (not really, I don't care) but a whole NATION of people? So if I am a Russian (or of Russian heritage) maybe THAT's why I understand blacks better than most? Because we're both "loutish" groups of peoples? In short then, you mean it takes one to know one?
Hmmmm...maybe you're on to something there. I know I understand ISIS pretty well (that's because I'm a Christian Fundamentalist, but that's another topic).
Regardless, as long as people like you make excuses for persistent, negative and violent "cultural" behavior of a particular group, then you give them a walk for said behavior and no one will ever expect -- no, DEMAND -- them to take personal responsibility for their misbehavior (to put it mildly) and go on blaming everyone else EXCEPT themselves (and THAT is a "cultural" thing, too). And they thank you for it, so they can continue to stay in the dark/under the radar. Just like all the news media that aid in that effort by not posting pictures of the "suspects" involved in the latest restaurant violence, convenience store armed robbery, car-jacking, home invasion, or street mugging. Afraid even to mention the race of the "suspects" (unless they're white). Or the Police in Ferguson, MO, caving in to the "protestors" in fear of them. And police in other towns where "protests" happened doing the same, in fear of a group of loudmouth bullies, DARING anyone to do anything about it. I wonder why that is.
Mere coincidence? Don't think so.
But I won't "debate" this particular point further with you, being as clueless and PC as you are, or simply choosing to be in denial. You also think that everyone is the same and every ethnic group has the same traits/behaviors/characteristics. They don't. Blacks will TELL you whites are easy targets, easy to bully/intimidate, because whites are afraid of blacks. Why would that be if there is nothing to be afraid of?
As for the original issue, however, what I was hinting at was this: If one is OCing everyone can see the gun (of course) and so any aggressive behavior of that OCing individual toward others would cause others to fear he/she would USE that gun. So if "words" were spoken, and things escalated (as they do before physical violence takes place), the "potential victim" (also armed) may very well try to act preemptively and shoot first, before the aggressor got physical or before HE could shoot. Preemptive self-defense IS still self-defense. One doesn't HAVE to wait to be struck first, or shot at first. No physical injury of the "victim" needs to happen BEFORE one can self-defend. Only to be in fear of severe bodily harm or for their life, period. So I don't think an aggressive/confrontational/short-temper person should be carrying a gun AT ALL, let alone OCing -- it's not going to work for them. So don't tell me one's psychological makeup is irrelevant when it comes to carrying a firearm. If it is, then there's no need for background checks looking for mental or domestic violence issues, is there. Or a long rap sheet of same.
So that's how OCing by people with "aggressive 'tudes" would be dangerous -- for THEM.
And as I mentioned, just because someone is carrying (CC or OC) doesn't mean any aggressive personality/short temper they have disappears...it's right there under the surface.
Would they suddenly become polite once someone with a no-nonsense demeanor draws and points a gun at them ready to shoot with the next heartbeat? Definitely, they sure would, partly because most of the time, they're just ACTING tough (another "cultural" thing), to bully/intimidate so it SEEMS very real to the "victim" -- they'd change their tune in a split second and it's comical when that happens! If they're so polite THEN, why weren't they polite earlier? Why did it have to escalate to a gun being drawn by the person they were attempting to bully/intimidate?
One more thing: Didn't you earlier say something about people feeling uncomfortable around strangers, because they didn't know them, or what they might/might not do (whether armed or not). And the same for being around ARMED strangers (that would be OCers, since one wouldn't know a stranger was armed if he/she was CCing) for the same reason -- not knowing the person so not knowing his/her intentions? You must be meaning the general UNarmed public out there being "uncomfortable," since we who are armed aren't AT ALL uncomfortable, as we are at least on an equal footing with armed strangers, whatever their intentions. So maybe the SOLUTION for those other "uncomfortable" people is to be armed also. You know, to use a liberal cliché, they should "empower" themselves. Just a thought...
But really, who here is EVER worried or EVER alarmed when they see another OCer out there (as rare as that is)? NEVER, yes? Is that ONLY because we ALSO carry?
I know I'm not worried or alarmed...mainly because I'm armed, too (and on top of that I DO have 2 aces up my sleeve). So I can't relate to feeling "uncomfortable" around strangers, be they armed or not. Ever.
...but I'll admit that I DO feel "uncomfortable" when I see strangers that LOOK like they're trouble (yes, "profiling" and there ain't nothing wrong with that at all, contrary to ignorant but popular liberal/public belief), and so I go on silent alert (i.e., Jeff Cooper's Situational Awareness Codes go up a color level or 2).
But don't we all, as it's the prudent thing to do -- just in case...
Grapeshot: If you wish, I will go back and delete ("withdraw") both my posts above. Just let me know.