So now I've been looking more into it, because something doesn't seem right about the DC v. Heller case. Specifically he portion about not being able to force guys to lock up firearms.
Section 131L. (a) It shall be unlawful to store or keep any firearm, rifle or shotgun including, but not limited to, large capacity weapons, or machine gun in any place unless such weapon is secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device, properly engaged so as to render such weapon inoperable by any person other than the owner or other lawfully authorized user. For purposes of this section, such weapon shall not be deemed stored or kept if carried by or under the control of the owner or other lawfully authorized user.
My thought was..... wtf? If the Heller case was a USC case how come it doesn't get rid of this?
Apparently it's because Heller v. DC doesn't affect any of the other states since DC is a federal controlled distric, not a state. In fact, apparently this hasn't affected any Federal Firearms laws.
Also, I was thinking how is this Methuen kid getting charged with this if Heller protects him. Heller doesn't. It doesn't seem to protect or help anyone other then the residents of DC.