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national defense authorization act HR 4350 Sec 529 ERPO


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
truly disappointed nobody, with all the retired/active service members, has mentioned this previously...

this bill has introduced the equivalent of ERPO [extreme risk protection orders] are already in every state!!


The specific provision gives military courts the authority to prohibit gun possession via protective orders in two ways:

By giving the subject of the order an “opportunity to be heard on the order.”

By issuing the order ex parte.

Within 72 hours of issuance, the order is to be delivered to the Attorney General of the United States and “the Attorney General of the State or Territory in which the order is issued.” unquote



Sep 7, 2019
Darkside, AZ
If it gets to that point, might as well discharge the SM. If you can't trust him/her with a firearm in govt housing/off post housing, then you can't trust them in the field with an M4/SIG even though you 'think' they don't have ammo. Hell, even 'blank' 5.56 ammo is dangerous with a cleaning rod inside the barrel.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
What if it is the intention of those who authored/passed this tripe did so to eliminate those troops that would be unlikely to follow illegal and unconstitutional orders to confiscate American's guns?