Regular Member
I didn't think about this again until I started hunting this season.
I hunt deer exclusively with my bow. I like the challenge (read frustration).
In NC it is illegal to carry a pistol during bow only season.
It is already illegal to shoot a deer during this short season, so why do we need a law prohibiting me from carrying a pistol for self defense as some kind of back up law? I can walk around the private property I hunt on during this time with my pistol all I want. But as soon as I am also carrying a bow and wearing camo I become a criminal.
I know that Georgia specifically allows carrying during bow only, providing you have a concealed pistol permit.
I hunt deer exclusively with my bow. I like the challenge (read frustration).
In NC it is illegal to carry a pistol during bow only season.
It is already illegal to shoot a deer during this short season, so why do we need a law prohibiting me from carrying a pistol for self defense as some kind of back up law? I can walk around the private property I hunt on during this time with my pistol all I want. But as soon as I am also carrying a bow and wearing camo I become a criminal.
I know that Georgia specifically allows carrying during bow only, providing you have a concealed pistol permit.