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PeterMo wrote:
I totally understand the desire to own and carry a gun
Then we're halfway there.
Walking around town and "testing" the response of the local police and citizens is not the way to go to further or solidify your cause.
First of all, I don't OC to test anything. I OC for my protection first and foremost. In addition, it is more comfortable, creates a larger deterrent effect and has the added bonus of reminding criminals and governments that the good people of New Hampshire are armed. It also puts guns more into everyday life, which is a good thing. The fact that people are scared of guns and my rights are therefore sometimes violated comes along with that. However, OCing is a way to get people used to what they don't like. People fear what they aren't used to...making it more common place reduces that fear... I've seen it work.
Also, I don't know what your cause is but mine is to protect my family and be an indepndent and free person. OC hasn't harmed that one bit. In fact, police departments are starting to respond better and average citizens are as well.
All this does is cause unnecessary anxiety, tension and ill-feelings among the voters.
Perhaps with time, the anxiety coupled with
nothing bad happening will cause some to realize the illogical nature of their anxieties.
This is a sure way for the other side to build a legitimate case and win the majority over to removing our rights.
Whereas if we don't OC at all, we've
already lost our right to OC. A right unexercised is a right lost. Btw, open carry has
always been more accepted and less regulated than concealed carry. In most jurisdictions, it does not require a license, unlike concealed carry. many consider OC to be the right protected by the US Constitution when it says "bear arms."
Your fear that there will be a backlash has not happened anywhere, let alone in gun-friendly New Hampshire. It
has allowed gun owners to come out of the closet and stop being ashamed of performing their civic duty of gun ownership.
One guy walked in Concord in broad daylight with 2 OC weapons and wondered why the cops questioned him ? C'mon people...
First of all, he didn't have two guns. Some screwball thought his cell phone was a gun. Second of all, who cares if he did??! Are two guns significantly more dangerous than one?
And no, I'm not surprised the police violated his 2nd and 4th Amendment rights, but I will continue to stand against such violations.
BTW, It would be nice if people would start their own threads instead of posting off-topic things on this one. I stated the purpose of this thread when I started it and complaining about OC was not one of the purposes. It would also be nice if a mod would split this off so it can have a discussion thread of its own.