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Puyallup Fair


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Bremerton, Washington, USA
imported post

Their website posts the following information:

For Fairgoer safety, the following items are not allowed on the Fairgrounds:
  • Open Containers
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Controlled Substances
  • Boom Boxes
  • Weapons
  • Roller Skates
  • Skate Boards
  • Bicycles
  • Unauthorized Vehicles
  • Animals - (Except aid dogs or show animals with permits)
If it is public property, then am I correct to say that this is repealed under RCW 9.41.290?

I'm not sure if what I could find as the "Western Washington Fair Association" is a public or private entity. They referred to the facilities as a community resource.

I had a similar situation occur at the Kitsap fair. They posted a "No Weapons" sign at the gate which I knew had to be illegal due to it being public grounds and state preemption.



Regular Member
Aug 15, 2008
, ,
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Interesting...don't they have a Beer Tent? I guess they don't want you to bring in your own stuff....

Bill Starks

State Researcher
Dec 27, 2007
Nortonville, KY, USA
imported post

Puyallup Fair is run by the

Western Washington Fair Association
110 9th Avenue SW
Puyallup, WA 98371-0162

I treat it like the malls in the area.