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Storage in a vehicle in MA


New member
Jan 15, 2019
I have an LTC Class A in MA. There are occasions when I must leave my firearm locked in my car.

If I lock my pistol in a container in the car am I allowed to leave the magazine in the same locked container or must the magazine be stored elsewhere in the vehicle and if so what is acceptable?

If I lock my pistol in a container in the car can I leave the magazine with ammo in the pistol WITHOUT a round in the chamber?

If I lock my piston in a container in the car can I leave it with a round in the chamber, magazine in place?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Q: Can I leave my gun in my car if I need to go into the store on my way home from the range or from hunting?
A: If your handgun or large capacity rifle or shotgun is t ransported in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 140, §131C (i.e. unloaded and in a locked case, locked trunk or other secure container) then the gun may be left unattended in the vehicle. Weapons transported in this manner will automatically be considered "stored or kept" in compliance with the safe storage requirements of §131L.