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Union Leader reports on HB 330 hearing (constitutional carry)


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2010
I read the text of 330 and while it could be cleaned up I don't understand this comment in the article:

Penny Dean, a gun-rights attorney, urged rejection of the bill, which she called, "horrible, horrible, horrible." She said the language in it raises a list of vague wording that will give police free rein to stop anyone with a weapon.

or this one;

John Hohenwarter, a Washington, D.C., based liaison for the National Rifle Association, urged delay on the bill, agreeing with Dean that it could lead to police abuse.

He said it interferes with the right to self-defense, and argued that police are not obligated to protect anyone.

Can someone explain what I'm missing please?

And then we have this gem from Fish and Game Maj. Kevin Jordan.

A loaded gun poses safety risks to anyone in a vehicle, he said, not only from movement of the weapon but in the instances of a car crash or air bag deployment.

I've never heard of a gun going off in a crash, LPG tanks exploded on many cop cars here in AZ, but never a gun to my knowledge.

We have the border problem, not you. Don't try to take our spotlight! :lol:

The New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police also opposed the bill. Salem Chief Paul Donovan said that particularly in border communities, police worry Massachusetts gang and drug activity that moves here will become more violent.


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
, ,
I read the text of 330 and while it could be cleaned up I don't understand this comment in the article:

or this one;

Can someone explain what I'm missing please?

And then we have this gem from Fish and Game Maj. Kevin Jordan.

I've never heard of a gun going off in a crash, LPG tanks exploded on many cop cars here in AZ, but never a gun to my knowledge.

We have the border problem, not you. Don't try to take our spotlight! :lol:

Sure, I can help clarify.... in NH there are 3 major gun groups. They never agree on anything, and are always against whatever the other does.

There's a "NRA" group, they like compromise. There is a "GOA/JPFO" group, they'll come at you saying, Nuclear weapons are acceptable for common possession so long as they aren't used and hope to get machine guns and suppressors legal (without asking for government permission) in the end. And then there is the "Don't listen to them, listen to me!" crazy group that who knows what they really are trying to do other than block everyone else.


Regular Member
Sep 27, 2009
Why are so many Police Chiefs worthless Jerks. If they
don't like the Constitution then Quit. If they can't support
the Constitution FIRE them.