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Boston 4th of July weekend, no posted businesses. Tell me what's up with that.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
Wife and I just got back late last night from spending 4 days in Boston. We stayed in the Back Bay area.

I carried but concealed. One thing I looked for were businesses that were posted so I could make sure they didn't get any of my money. To my surprise I didn't find a one. I saw some kind of government building posted, but no stores, shops, or even bars.

I was kind of surprised. I thought such an anti state would have a lot of posted businesses. Anyone from there that could give me heads up. Is that a normal thing for the entire city/state?


May 1, 2016
I suspect firearms are just so rare up there that anyone carrying is even less frequent. So rare that sign prohibition is unnecessary.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
OPie is LEO

And is most welcome here. :)

Wife and I just got back late last night from spending 4 days in Boston. We stayed in the Back Bay area.

I carried but concealed. One thing I looked for were businesses that were posted so I could make sure they didn't get any of my money. To my surprise I didn't find a one. I saw some kind of government building posted, but no stores, shops, or even bars.

I was kind of surprised. I thought such an anti state would have a lot of posted businesses. Anyone from there that could give me heads up. Is that a normal thing for the entire city/state?

yes, we are aware grape, but as an LE, there are certain benefits afforded to the profession that are not to JQPublic.

for example, if i read the exemplary & authoritative handgunlaw.us site for WI ~ i would discover the site shows WI's concealed permits are not accepted by MA?? http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/wisconsin.pdf

further, depending how the OP got there, they might have driven through other states who do not recognize WI's citizens concealed permits...

so, unless special dispensation was granted by MA governor, ...i think you get the picture here...

why it is important to know a member's pedigree as some are privileged...



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
yes, we are aware grape, but as an LE, there are certain benefits afforded to the profession that are not to JQPublic.

for example, if i read the exemplary & authoritative handgunlaw.us site for WI ~ i would discover the site shows WI's concealed permits are not accepted by MA?? http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/wisconsin.pdf

further, depending how the OP got there, they might have driven through other states who do not recognize WI's citizens concealed permits...

so, unless special dispensation was granted by MA governor, ...i think you get the picture here...

why it is important to know a member's pedigree as some are privileged...

All of which is no indicator of how he feels about others carrying.

He simply reported conditions as he observed them.


Jul 5, 2006
I suspect firearms are just so rare up there that anyone carrying is even less frequent. So rare that sign prohibition is unnecessary.


Private firearms are rare in the Commonwealth. Culturally (at least in the Boston Metro area), to own guns would brand someone as being really weird.

Unrestricted carry permits for private citizens are a bit like unicorns: one hears of them, but almost never sees one.

Private citizens carrying firearms for self-defense just isn't on the radar. As a May Issue State, the commoner rabble isn't getting permits. So nobody thinks to ban permit holders from their businesses. Plus, according to Handgun Law dot US, such signs would not have force of law.



May 1, 2016

Private firearms are rare in the Commonwealth. Culturally (at least in the Boston Metro area), to own guns would brand someone as being really weird.

Unrestricted carry permits for private citizens are a bit like unicorns: one hears of them, but almost never sees one.


I guess we know the direction to point the zombies when they rise.



Regular Member
Sep 10, 2008
Eastern Panhandle,WV ,

Private firearms are rare in the Commonwealth. Culturally (at least in the Boston Metro area), to own guns would brand someone as being really weird.

Unrestricted carry permits for private citizens are a bit like unicorns: one hears of them, but almost never sees one.

Private citizens carrying firearms for self-defense just isn't on the radar. As a May Issue State, the commoner rabble isn't getting permits. So nobody thinks to ban permit holders from their businesses. Plus, according to Handgun Law dot US, such signs would not have force of law.


I agree they may not be on the radar so no one would think of posting their businesses (which I'm not sure if they have force of law or not).

But, from what I gather from groups like Comm2A is that most localities are giving permitees unrestricted LTC A's. It's a hassle to get a gun (you need the license), but once you're in, you're in. Comm2A has sued several localities that tried to put the old "target,hunting,exc" restrictions on licenses and almost all so far have basically folded.


Jul 5, 2006
I agree they may not be on the radar so no one would think of posting their businesses (which I'm not sure if they have force of law or not).

But, from what I gather from groups like Comm2A is that most localities are giving permitees unrestricted LTC A's. It's a hassle to get a gun (you need the license), but once you're in, you're in. Comm2A has sued several localities that tried to put the old "target,hunting,exc" restrictions on licenses and almost all so far have basically folded.

That is unexpectedly good news.

And if there is an upside to discriminatory issue States, it is that for those who can get a permit, the list of off-limits locations tends to be rather short compared to States that start out with shall-issue permits. The downside is how few people can get the permit...not to mention needing a permit to exercise a fundamental right in the first place. But progress comes a bit at a time.
