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FYI Don't Buy Tannerite in Bulk if You Don't Want the ATF Knocking on Your Door


Regular Member
Jan 31, 2012
Charlotte, NC
Why didn't you just go to the feed store and by the Ammonium Nitrate? One of the Charlotte news channels did a report not too long ago about buying it. All you had to do was put your name in the stores log book. One stores even called the police on them because they were fishy. Wonder how they knew what you got if the packages were not marked and didn't know where you ordered it from.

For everyone that needs a tin foil hat. Growing up in rural N.C. I have been in the same room with tons of Ammonium Nitrate and never worried about it blowing up. I also remember how easy it is to make Thermite from H.S. Chemistry.
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Regular Member
Oct 10, 2009
Hampton, AR
Why didn't you just go to the feed store and by the Ammonium Nitrate? One of the Charlotte news channels did a report not too long ago about buying it. All you had to do was put your name in the stores log book. One stores even called the police on them because they were fishy. Wonder how they knew what you got if the packages were not marked and didn't know where you ordered it from.

For everyone that needs a tin foil hat. Growing up in rural N.C. I have been in the same room with tons of Ammonium Nitrate and never worried about it blowing up. I also remember how easy it is to make Thermite from H.S. Chemistry.

There is a big difference between agriculture grade and industrial grade amonium nitrate when it somes to its oxidizing effects in explosives. Both will work, but you get a bigger boom with the good stuff lol


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
I think the thing that has freaked me out the most about all this is the fact the ATF knows where I live. My registered official address is different than the house I'm living at. I use several different addresses for mailing and billing. the only proof of residency for the house I physically reside in is the paper lease I signed. I have a copy and my landlord does, thats it. The ATF didnt go to the other address, they came straight to my doorstep and I have no idea how they knew

when i was working street crimes unit, i developed my skills at tracking people down. it's an art, but there are a LOT of resources out there these days with the internet that makes it easier.

ATF subscribes btw (as do many police agencies) to various NON Law enforcement intel search sites. you've seen them advertised, - intelius, etc.

contrary to the common meme, imo it's "little brother" (private business, not govt.) that actually usually has more intel on you - they have by far the most surveillance cameras, and databases, and they don't face the law restrictions that LEO's do in compiling and sharing various kinds of info

sometimes, some of the easiest tricks are the best

one guy i was tracking down? i was having real difficulty locating him via conventional resources. he was pretty off the grid. but he looked kind of fit, so i took a chance and bingo - he went to 24 hr fitness. the local 24 hr had his checkin times, and lots of other info as well. it turns out he worked out LIKE CLOCKWORK same time same days. very easy intel to get and i was waiting for him to arrest him next time he worked out

blockbuster, safeway, etc. are all good

all are great resources. i strongly doubt the ATF used any of these, but my point is unless you are TOTALLY off the grid, it is not difficult to find you - especially for the feds.
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Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
I think the thing that has freaked me out the most about all this is the fact the ATF knows where I live. My registered official address is different than the house I'm living at. I use several different addresses for mailing and billing. the only proof of residency for the house I physically reside in is the paper lease I signed. I have a copy and my landlord does, thats it. The ATF didnt go to the other address, they came straight to my doorstep and I have no idea how they knew

Do you have utilities in your name? Do you have internet at home? Use your cell phone at home? Cell phone providers spread their legs for federal law enforcement agencies, and would happily tell them where your cell phone is every night.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
Colfax, NC
I take my 9yr old son out back and let him practice with his 243cal rifle so he'll be ready this coming deerseason. So he is used to shooting paper targets and plastic bottles. Well I snuck an exploding target on the backstop and had him shoot it. The reaction was priceless!!! Here is the video for those who want to see. It was app 1/5th of a lb of target.



Regular Member
Jan 7, 2012
Hickory, N.C.
Generally I'm the same, but since they were cool with my roommate and very professional with me on the phone, I decided I would be nice and cordial with them. The agent seemed more worried about me hurting myself mixing the components than buying so much. They knew I was ex-military, but only that. Once I explained I was an ordnance specialist in the Navy and now do UXO work as a contractor he pretty much didnt care anymore, had an attitude like "Oh, OK, you got this".

I'll call them again when I go use some this weekend, see if they want to watch the fun... never had ATF come investigate us before, local Sheriff is getting bored with us lol

I have to toss you a salute for that one. Having a range day with Tannerite, and just asking the ATF to come out and join is pure win. A part of me wonders, idly, if that might be a way to get some of their agents to be more pro-gun. I don't care what anyone says, most warm-blooded individuals enjoy a good old fashioned day of fun. Then again, I no longer believe some members of the government are entirely human, figuratively speaking, so who knows?


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2009
Hampton, AR

here is 1lbs of my custom mixture. I wish I could get a closer shot but I'm not too keen on putting my camera phone right next to this stuff as I shoot it...

FYI my package showed up on Monday with no issues. though they shorted me 9 grams of my catalyst. Its ok though, I should be able to make do

****CAUTION**** the language isnt the prettiest in this video, I scared the sh** out of the girls.
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
I think the thing that has freaked me out the most about all this is the fact the ATF knows where I live. My registered official address is different than the house I'm living at. I use several different addresses for mailing and billing. the only proof of residency for the house I physically reside in is the paper lease I signed. I have a copy and my landlord does, thats it. The ATF didnt go to the other address, they came straight to my doorstep and I have no idea how they knew

Cell phone contract/GPS locator in phone?


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2009
Hampton, AR

Just an update, yesterday was the 1st I got a chance to use my reactive targets. I made a 1pounder and two 4pounders. had an issue w/the 1lb, but both 4pounders were awesome! I called and invited the ATF agents, but unfortunately they didnt show up... oh well better luck next time!. As soon as I get the videos uploaded I'll post links for everyone's enjoyment. still needs some tweeking, but seems to work great


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
Iowa, USA
ATF: "Why did you buy it?"
You: "For my own pleasure. Have a nice day."

"Tannerite is not regulated at the Federal level, or any state level for that matter.":Agent Jim Mathews, Des Moines field office. The only rules that apply is that, if used by citizens, it is to be used for sporting purposes only.

I have been buying Tannerite, in 50lb amounts, for a year. Not a single person has questioned its legality. I have even blown them up with some members of the local sheriffs department! (Off duty, of course.)

Most state laws regulate the possession and use of incediary devices, which Tannerite is not.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
I think it's good to be polite, and I'm not in any way dissing your choice to respond in that manner. Government agents are people too, and want to be treated as such. Good on you.

I just really despise the ATF.

here's how I treat gov't employees: with a slam of a door in their face!

The ATF had no business harassing you. I would have told them to drop dead.