Regular Member
I predicted this the day they announced the Texas abortion law.
For now, PLCAA will negate lawsuits like they want to promote, but how long will the PLCAA last? The Republican party is getting short-term wins at the cost of self-annihilation, so eventually the Democrats will control both houses of Congress and there will be nothing to stop Newsom's plan
All laws like this are horrendous, regardless of what they are intended to prevent, because they outsource enforcement to the mob. Of course it won't be limited to abortion or gun control. Laws like this will be passed for whatever one side or the other doesn't like. The end state will be a copy of China during the Cultural Revolution, or East Germany: everybody watch and report on your family and neighbors and especially people you don't like. Doxing and frivolous lawsuits will become signs of civic virtue threats and fear will be ubiquitous, and the lawyers will get richer.
For now, PLCAA will negate lawsuits like they want to promote, but how long will the PLCAA last? The Republican party is getting short-term wins at the cost of self-annihilation, so eventually the Democrats will control both houses of Congress and there will be nothing to stop Newsom's plan
All laws like this are horrendous, regardless of what they are intended to prevent, because they outsource enforcement to the mob. Of course it won't be limited to abortion or gun control. Laws like this will be passed for whatever one side or the other doesn't like. The end state will be a copy of China during the Cultural Revolution, or East Germany: everybody watch and report on your family and neighbors and especially people you don't like. Doxing and frivolous lawsuits will become signs of civic virtue threats and fear will be ubiquitous, and the lawyers will get richer.