Regular Member
I went to Sams in Seabrook today and went inside, and the door greeter didn't have a problem with me OCing, or at least he did say anything. After I got some lunch, I went and got a cart, and there was a different "greeter" there. He said I needed to cover it up because it isn't legal to carry it like that. I asked if he was a manager, and he said no he wasn't. I then told him that he was wrong and that it is legal to Open Carry in NH. I said I would be breaking the law if I did cover it because I don't have a CC permit yet. He then told me he didn't care, and that he was a cop about 20 years ago and that I don't know what I'm talking about :banghead: . After that he said he's done talking to me, so I said fine and after I was done shopping, I went to the manager who said he didn't know much about the situation because it's never occurred before while he was on duty. I kept my cool during the whole situation, and he said that he would speak to the employee after he (the manager) did some research. So I'll continue to OC in Sams when I shop considering the manager didn't mind me carrying.