A knife or a handgun can be just as deadly depending on the person using the device. Someone can shoot 1000 rounds and not hit anything but a 16 year old with two kitchen knifes can wound 21 people. Both are equal on killing power depending on who's hands they are in. I would also say a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands or are you going to argue I'm wrong in my assessment of that. Just ask the parents of the kid killed in Florida yesterday, but that was just an accident.
You just acknowledged that a knife, and a handgun are not equally deadly. I agree with you.
The old "a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands," argument. Give me a freaking break, please...let's take this a bit further than: The RKBA is a Privilege, and not outlined in the Constitution as a Constitutional Right for Citizens...as with cars.
Cars are designed for getting Things from point A to point B. Knives are typically designed for some form of preparation, mainly food. Firearms are designed exclusively for Killing. You can cut a sandwich with a knife; drive to your local grocer to pick up eggs, in your car; but a firearm, it's use has everything to do with killing...or the training to kill.
Now I know someone is going to pull target shooting out their butt, and claim it is merely done in sport, that target shooting is benign. WRONG. There is nothing benign about training to use your firearm more effectively, since the inherent purpose of a firearm is to kill.
Next, someone is going to assert that Speech is just as deadly as a Firearm.
Who will They blame for this stabbing: Hopefully Republicans.