Regular Member
What we're talking about here is weapons that are owned by American Citizens. You may know an American that owns a nuclear weapon...I don't.
By implication, in your response, you are acknowledging that a knife is less lethal than a handgun...are you sure you want to do that?
Let's stick to comparing similar attacks, and the tools used during those attacks. What is the likelihood the student at that High School, if he had a handgun, would have killed at least one of those twenty? What I'm stating here is if he had a handgun, and shot twenty people, instead of stabbed twenty people...we would have a higher body count than 0. We have a perfect example from Sandy Hook; a perfect contrast. About the same body count...different tools used. Would we be talking about 20 dead children, and 8 dead adults if Lansa (however his name is spelled) had a knife, instead of a handgun?
I'm waiting for someone to link us up to the Chinaman that stabbed 20 some-odd kids to death.
A handgun, for a Fact, is more efficient at killing. A handgun offers a greater efficiency of killing than a knife. Come on now, most people on here argue this point all the time...they ought to be able to carry a handgun for self-defense because it is a Better Tool for self-defense, as it compares to say, a knife.
A Handgun is also more efficient at stopping an attacker than a knife as well. Stopping power and lethality follow the same curve as both depend on the same factors. Its a matter of the intent of the person.
Regarding another point you made - speach is arguably the most deadly since it is ideas and philosophy that drive the genocides that killed more people last century (notably in places they were disarmed) than any other cause. The exact means of their deaths varied.
Speaking of intent, by reading your signature I see you are a troll that is not here for any constructive purpose. Buh bye.
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