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Police seek charges against gun carrier with permit pending


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
me said:
Since charges have been filed, [my lawyer] wants more. Reasonable.
I'll be talking with her Thursday, but IIRC it's going to be another $2500-3000.
Well, I completely misunderstood what she'd said about the rest of the fee...
It's going to be slightly over $6000 more, after the payment I made today & the checks that came to her office that I signed over to her.
That's supposed to cover everything through the end of the trial.

Please keep spreading the link Grapeshot has posted & that's in my sig,
and please contact any 2A / civil rights group you can think of that might agree to help.


Regular Member
Nov 17, 2010
Terra, Sol
Don't forget the prosecution will drag this out for years. Switching prosecutors, failing to meet procedural deadlines, whatever it takes to keep asking for continuances. Their #1 strategy is to break the defendant financially and mentally.

That's why we need to band together and make sure Krysta has our support. Any support. It does not necessarily need to be cash as you know. Households and cars are expensive to run.



Regular Member
Sep 1, 2010
S.E. Wisconsin
Did MKEgal ever get her CCW license? If I get to the Delavan Starbucks on Sunday, will there be someone to give money to for her?



Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
McX said:
the lawyer must need a new car.
Actually, I think she is giving me a slightly lower rate than usual (& her partners have to agree to do it).
Also, normally each piece of the fee would be due at the time it was needed...
the first part the Monday we met @ the ADA's office,
the second part when I was charged with ccw,
the third part when the trial starts (or actually, slightly before).

She's being very flexible in working with my terrible financial situation.
If only 600 people would donate $10, that would cover the current expenses.
Most people are giving around $20. Then it'd only take 300 people.

A few people are in a good financial position, and can afford to be generous, and I appreciate the help. (Some of you, more than once. Yes, I occasionally sort by email address, especially when one looks familiar.)

A few people are in a financial situation like me, and I've gotten donations as small as $2, and I appreciate the help... and tear up knowing that they're probably every bit as poor as I am, yet they're helping.
(Which is a much nicer thought than someone who shoots a .22 being a smarta$$ about the "one box of ammo" thing.) :rolleyes:
ETA ((Or, thinking worse, as someone suggested to me, that those people might hope by donating somehow they get access to non-public information.))

And then there's the turkey... :shocker:

rimmer said:
Did MKEgal ever get her CCW license?
That's a whole 'nother can of worms...
Another set of "too many coincidences". :mad:
If you're at Lizzie's tonight, maybe I'll try to explain some of them. Might even bring along paperwork.
But since I'm a prohibited person for now, it doesn't matter.

If I get to the Delavan Starbucks on Sunday, will there be someone to give money to for her?
I was thinking of going myself.
Also will probably go to Lizzie's tonight; need some human contact.
(Being on the phone for 30min with an IT guy who barely speaks or understands English doesn't count.
Seriously, I got so frustrated that I hung up & called back & got a gal who sounded like her first language was English.)
Last edited:


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2011
Delavan Starbucks????

I was thinking of going myself.
Also will probably go to Lizzie's tonight; need some human contact.

MKEgal: If you're going to be at the Starbucks this Sunday???? I'm not a Paypal kind of guy ;). Otherwise, let me know who is your trusty sidekick and I'll work through them. PM if you prefer.


Opt-Out Members
Jun 17, 2010
Marshfield, WI
Time costs money, having an office in which to conduct business costs money, law school costs money, etc.

While not a total of $6,000 the total rebuild of an engine or a transmission, space to work in, and proper tools and equipment cost time & money too and I don't see mechanics charging full freight up front before any work has even been started. Of course in my work I've encountered few lawyers that didn't rub me the wrong way so I am somewhat biased.

Bottom line is if MKEgal feels she is being well-represented and the charges and payment terms are fair, her opinion is the only one that matters. Our task is to support her not just now but for as long as it takes for her to win.


Regular Member
Jan 1, 2011
Not rich by any means but will try to donate at least something every week to help out. I hope people realize even $5 a week would be nice. I know times are tough but it's a lunch at McDonalds for crying out load. Think of it like getting to punch a liberal in the face once a week. Way worth skipping lunch :D


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Will this be the same lawyer that you use to sue the police and AG for all legal fees AND punitive damages? This is a legal AND monetary investment I hope! Keep your chin up!