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Positive OC at Chili's West Lebanon


Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
So the misses and I decided to go to Chili's Grill and Bar in West Lebanon last night. I have OC'd there many of times in the past. We were sitting in the bar area, and the side of the table I was sitting at my strong side was facing out. After we sat down for about five minutes talking about our days at work. I short gentleman approached "The Manager" who looked to be someone new because I had never seem him before. He was extremely nervous, forehead sweating, hands shaking, stuttering his words, but he said "Excuse me may I see your firearms permit". I replied back with, "You know I am OC'ing and am not required to have a permit right?" Again he said very nervously "May I please see your permit". I started to pull it out of my wallet to hand it to him and he said "Thank you enjoy your dinner and walked away".

The misses and I after he walked away were talking about how scared and nervous he was to ask me. I actually felt bad for the guy because he was so scared to approach me. So after dinner I asked the waitress to go grab the manager. He came over and I started off by saying "The food and service was great I wanted to personally thank you very much". He said we were welcome and then said to me "That his district manager just left. That is why I asked for your permit because he told me to. After I asked for it and went back I told him we have to figure out what the gun laws are in New Hampshire because I do not think they are the same as in Massachusetts". At that point I chimed in and said "No they are nothing like Massachusetts" I then referred him to the state of New Hampshire website which details RSA 159 I also added that in New Hampshire if there is not a law in there that says you can not do it then it would be legal to do. Ie: Open Carrying. He said thank you and we were welcome back anytime.


Regular Member
Sep 1, 2008
New Hampshire
Way to go Jay. Hopefully he learned something very important by his interaction with you. A job well done!

One things for sure......people have to learn to check their masshole way of thinking at the border. :)


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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So the misses and I decided to go to Chili's Grill and Bar in West Lebanon last night. I have OC'd there many of times in the past. We were sitting in the bar area, and the side of the table I was sitting at my strong side was facing out. After we sat down for about five minutes talking about our days at work. I short gentleman approached "The Manager" who looked to be someone new because I had never seem him before. He was extremely nervous, forehead sweating, hands shaking, stuttering his words, but he said "Excuse me may I see your firearms permit". I replied back with, "You know I am OC'ing and am not required to have a permit right?" Again he said very nervously "May I please see your permit". I started to pull it out of my wallet to hand it to him and he said "Thank you enjoy your dinner and walked away".

The misses and I after he walked away were talking about how scared and nervous he was to ask me. I actually felt bad for the guy because he was so scared to approach me. So after dinner I asked the waitress to go grab the manager. He came over and I started off by saying "The food and service was great I wanted to personally thank you very much". He said we were welcome and then said to me "That his district manager just left. That is why I asked for your permit because he told me to. After I asked for it and went back I told him we have to figure out what the gun laws are in New Hampshire because I do not think they are the same as in Massachusetts". At that point I chimed in and said "No they are nothing like Massachusetts" I then referred him to the state of New Hampshire website which details RSA 159 I also added that in New Hampshire if there is not a law in there that says you can not do it then it would be legal to do. Ie: Open Carrying. He said thank you and we were welcome back anytime.

My response would have been: "Sorry, New Hampshire doesn't have a firearm permit." and would consider your situation as a negative not positive.
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Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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My response would have been: "Sorry, New Hampshire doesn't have a firearm permit." and would consider your situation as a negative not positive.

Then again, I wouldn't even show a police officer my license if they asked for one while I was OCing; and have refused to ID myself 5 out of the 6 times I was stopped by police. They failed to provide lawful reason for attempting to stop me.
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
I'd make an effort to school that runaway district manager from massivetwoshits. He is bound to inflict his stupid on someone else.


Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
My response would have been: "Sorry, New Hampshire doesn't have a firearm permit." and would consider your situation as a negative not positive.

I pick my battles and if it would have been a cop there is no way in hell I would have given him my permit for OC'ing


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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I pick my battles and if it would have been a cop there is no way in hell I would have given him my permit for OC'ing

You won't give it to a cop but you will to a random stranger?


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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depending on the situation, yes

I had a Lowes employee in Nashua come up to me while I was carrying a pipe asking me, "Do you have a permit for that?" My response was: "No." He said I couldn't carry that in here then. I dropped the pipe (which caused a number of people to turn and look). So he asked me why I dropped it and asked if I was ok. I said, "I was fine, but you told me I couldn't carry the pipe in here." He stated he meant I couldn't carry the gun. I asked what a permit had to do with me carrying it since I obviously was carrying it. After stating I couldn't carry a gun without a permit I told him that New Hampshire doesn't have permits for firearms. He claimed it did, but I said no it doesn't. It has licenses; not permits and that while open carrying in New Hampshire a person didn't need a license. He said he just wanted to be able to tell other customers if they said anything that I had a "permit." I told him to tell them anything he wanted, because it's none of their business. I turned to leave and he said I was forgetting my pipe...lol. I told him I was going to shop elsewhere for what I needed.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
The power of the chili's manager is unmatched by the armed law enforcement officers! lol, you wouldn't show a cop but you were going to show a chili's manager ID? I don't get it. This was a negative OC
"You know I am OC'ing and am not required to have a permit right?" Again he said very nervously "May I please see your permit". I started to pull it out of my wallet to hand it to him
Why... there is no permit there for OC...

I had a Lowes employee in Nashua come up to me while I was carrying a pipe asking me, "Do you have a permit for that?" My response was: "No." He said I couldn't carry that in here then. I dropped the pipe (which caused a number of people to turn and look). So he asked me why I dropped it and asked if I was ok. I said, "I was fine, but you told me I couldn't carry the pipe in here." He stated he meant I couldn't carry the gun. I asked what a permit had to do with me carrying it since I obviously was carrying it. After stating I couldn't carry a gun without a permit I told him that New Hampshire doesn't have permits for firearms. He claimed it did, but I said no it doesn't. It has licenses; not permits and that while open carrying in New Hampshire a person didn't need a license. He said he just wanted to be able to tell other customers if they said anything that I had a "permit." I told him to tell them anything he wanted, because it's none of their business. I turned to leave and he said I was forgetting my pipe...lol. I told him I was going to shop elsewhere for what I needed.

I pictured that in my head then laughter then lol'd


Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
The power of the chili's manager is unmatched by the armed law enforcement officers! lol, you wouldn't show a cop but you were going to show a chili's manager ID? I don't get it. This was a negative OC

Why... there is no permit there for OC...

To be politically correct there are no permits in New Hampshire only License's. Second, you do not need a license to open carry in the state of New Hampshire. In fact if you do not have a license it is the only way you can carry.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Manchester, New Hampshire

Respectfully, that statement is not entirely accurate. If you want to openly carry a loaded pistol in a vehicle in NH, the license IS required. Without a license, before driving you would need to unchamber any round in your pistol, and effectively unload it to comply with the law.

Additionally, you ARE able to legally carry a pistol concealed on your person as long as it is not loaded, without having a pistol license. So open carry is NOT the only form of carry available to unlicensed people. Just be sure to check up on the exact criteria for "unloaded" before availing yourself of the concealed carry option to avoid running into legal issues.


Source: RSA 159:4


Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA

Respectfully, that statement is not entirely accurate. If you want to openly carry a loaded pistol in a vehicle in NH, the license IS required. Without a license, before driving you would need to unchamber any round in your pistol, and effectively unload it to comply with the law.

Additionally, you ARE able to legally carry a pistol concealed on your person as long as it is not loaded, without having a pistol license. So open carry is NOT the only form of carry available to unlicensed people. Just be sure to check up on the exact criteria for "unloaded" before availing yourself of the concealed carry option to avoid running into legal issues.


Source: RSA 159:4

You are absolutely correct I probably should have went further into an explanation on the posters question as you have done :)


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
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Respectfully, that statement is not entirely accurate. If you want to openly carry a loaded pistol in a vehicle in NH, the license IS required. Without a license, before driving you would need to unchamber any round in your pistol, and effectively unload it to comply with the law.

Additionally, you ARE able to legally carry a pistol concealed on your person as long as it is not loaded, without having a pistol license. So open carry is NOT the only form of carry available to unlicensed people. Just be sure to check up on the exact criteria for "unloaded" before availing yourself of the concealed carry option to avoid running into legal issues.


Source: RSA 159:4

With the way LEO's have pursued it with in vehicles... likely having a loaded magazine on you outside of a concealed pistol will require you to have a license. Unload your magazine to be safe. People have been charged with car violations for having a magazine on a passenger seat with a pistol on their hip.


Regular Member
Sep 10, 2006
Live Free or Die, ,
To be politically correct there are no permits in New Hampshire only License's. Second, you do not need a license to open carry in the state of New Hampshire. In fact if you do not have a license it is the only way you can carry.

Actually, it's not being "politically correct," it's being just...correct. The term "permit" appears nowhere on the license. I don't have a Driver's Permit, either.

I understand your comment about showing it to a shaky manager but not to an LEO, BTW. I feel the same way. It's not about who has the power/authority. For me, it's the difference between a manager who clearly doesn't know the law--and doesn't want to be asking you, from his demeanor--and an LEO I expect to know and obey the law.

One guy gets cut a little slack; the other doesn't. I thought you handled the situation well.
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Regular Member
Jul 3, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
Actually, it's not being "politically correct," it's being just...correct. The term "permit" appears nowhere on the license. I don't have a Driver's Permit, either.

I understand your comment about showing it to a shaky manager but not to an LEO, BTW. I feel the same way. It's not about who has the power/authority. For me, it's the difference between a manager who clearly doesn't know the law--and doesn't want to be asking you, from his demeanor--and an LEO I expect to know and obey the law.

One guy gets cut a little slack; the other doesn't. I thought you handled the situation well.

Thank you Scott that is exactly the way I felt about the situation. If it would have been a cop who should know the law all bets are off :)