Regular Member
So the misses and I decided to go to Chili's Grill and Bar in West Lebanon last night. I have OC'd there many of times in the past. We were sitting in the bar area, and the side of the table I was sitting at my strong side was facing out. After we sat down for about five minutes talking about our days at work. I short gentleman approached "The Manager" who looked to be someone new because I had never seem him before. He was extremely nervous, forehead sweating, hands shaking, stuttering his words, but he said "Excuse me may I see your firearms permit". I replied back with, "You know I am OC'ing and am not required to have a permit right?" Again he said very nervously "May I please see your permit". I started to pull it out of my wallet to hand it to him and he said "Thank you enjoy your dinner and walked away".
The misses and I after he walked away were talking about how scared and nervous he was to ask me. I actually felt bad for the guy because he was so scared to approach me. So after dinner I asked the waitress to go grab the manager. He came over and I started off by saying "The food and service was great I wanted to personally thank you very much". He said we were welcome and then said to me "That his district manager just left. That is why I asked for your permit because he told me to. After I asked for it and went back I told him we have to figure out what the gun laws are in New Hampshire because I do not think they are the same as in Massachusetts". At that point I chimed in and said "No they are nothing like Massachusetts" I then referred him to the state of New Hampshire website which details RSA 159 I also added that in New Hampshire if there is not a law in there that says you can not do it then it would be legal to do. Ie: Open Carrying. He said thank you and we were welcome back anytime.
The misses and I after he walked away were talking about how scared and nervous he was to ask me. I actually felt bad for the guy because he was so scared to approach me. So after dinner I asked the waitress to go grab the manager. He came over and I started off by saying "The food and service was great I wanted to personally thank you very much". He said we were welcome and then said to me "That his district manager just left. That is why I asked for your permit because he told me to. After I asked for it and went back I told him we have to figure out what the gun laws are in New Hampshire because I do not think they are the same as in Massachusetts". At that point I chimed in and said "No they are nothing like Massachusetts" I then referred him to the state of New Hampshire website which details RSA 159 I also added that in New Hampshire if there is not a law in there that says you can not do it then it would be legal to do. Ie: Open Carrying. He said thank you and we were welcome back anytime.