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"Secrets" - Cypress Point


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
imported post

I am for closing down this thread since it seems to be going nowhere.

To summarize:

1)"Secrets" in Virginia Beach = gun-unfriendly

2) Alcohol impairs the enbiber which can lead to reduced capability or awkward legal questions if an incident does occur.

3) Some think drinking adversely affects the "OC" image and are entitled to their opinion.

4) LEO should never confront people for performing legal activities.

5) There will always be d1cks in the world (LEO or otherwise), try not to be one!

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
imported post

45acpForMe wrote:
I am for closing down this thread since it seems to be going nowhere.

To summarize:

1)"Secrets" in Virginia Beach = gun-unfriendly

2) Alcohol impairs the enbiber which can lead to reduced capability or awkward legal questions if an incident does occur.

3) Some think drinking adversely affects the "OC" image and are entitled to their opinion.

4) LEO should never confront people for performing legal activities.

5) There will always be d1cks in the world (LEO or otherwise), try not to be one!


Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA
imported post

Sums it up nicely, I think...

45acpForMe wrote:
I am for closing down this thread since it seems to be going nowhere.

To summarize:

1)"Secrets" in Virginia Beach = gun-unfriendly

2) Alcohol impairs the enbiber which can lead to reduced capability or awkward legal questions if an incident does occur.

3) Some think drinking adversely affects the "OC" image and are entitled to their opinion.

4) LEO should never confront people for performing legal activities.

5) There will always be d1cks in the world (LEO or otherwise), try not to be one!

ODA 226

Regular Member
Feb 26, 2008
Etzenricht, Germany
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t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2009
King George, VA
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ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p

ODA 226

Regular Member
Feb 26, 2008
Etzenricht, Germany
imported post

t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p
OC'ing and underage drinking??????????? Not cool!


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2009
King George, VA
imported post

ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p
OC'ing and underage drinking??????????? Not cool!
...very obviously not

A bit on my grammar:

“I'd have a beer with you wylde... which is to say I'd have a beer with any of you.”
“Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine .”

Quoted above are the two relevant posts I made.

The use of the word, “would” indicates a hypothetical, i.e. should the situation present itself. That considered alone rules out underage drinking given that I would be unable to purchase a drink for my own consumption, or that of anybody else.

Forget that for a moment and consider if I had used the word, “will” instead. (indicating intent) At a restaurant (where one has the ability to purchase single drinks) I would be unable to do so. I'm also doubtful that another could convince a waiter to provide me with one, which causes further problems as that was a requirement in my latter post.

ODA 226

Regular Member
Feb 26, 2008
Etzenricht, Germany
imported post

t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p
OC'ing and underage drinking??????????? Not cool!
...very obviously not

A bit on my grammar:

“I'd haveabeer with you wylde... which is to say I'd have a beer with any of you.”
“Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine.”

Quoted above are the two relevant posts I made.

The use of the word, “would” indicates a hypothetical, i.e. should the situation present itself. That considered alone rules out underage drinking given that I would be unable to purchase a drink for my own consumption, or that of anybody else.

Forget that for a moment and consider if I had used the word, “will” instead. (indicating intent) At a restaurant (where one has the ability to purchase single drinks) I would be unable to do so. I'm also doubtful that another could convince a waiter to provide me with one, which causes further problems as that was a requirement in my latter post.
Yeah, yeah...we know what you meant...;)


Regular Member
Jun 25, 2009
, ,
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t33j wrote:
I'd have a beer with you wylde... which is to say I'd have a beer with any of you.

Hey, you're not 21 yet are you? Ya homebrew sucker!

I posted after reading only page 1. You are but a child, yet. Who engages in childlike things. :p

Enjoy it for the last two weeks, and don't get all tore up on your 21st!


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Tweaker wrote:
t33j wrote:
I'd have a beer with you wylde... which is to say I'd have a beer with any of you.

Hey, you're not 21 yet are you? Ya homebrew sucker!

I posted after reading only page 1. You are but a child, yet. Who engages in childlike things. :p

Enjoy it for the last two weeks, and don't get all tore up on your 21st!
I almost miss not being able to buy handgun ammo, and not being able to have a beer in public. (meaning outside of a home)


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
Va Beach, Occupied VA
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Thundar wrote:
I own a townhouse about six blocks from there. That IS NOT a really safe place for some school teachers to be blowing off steam.

One would definitely want to be armed at night in that neighborhood.
I know the area well. I grew up in Cape Story, but pretty much all of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake are familiar to me.

And I agree with your assessment, though I don't know if it's that safe for a whole lot of anybody.

They were all Bayside Middle School teachers so it was either Secrets or Picasso's. :lol:


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
imported post

ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p
OC'ing and underage drinking??????????? Not cool!
What exactly is underage drinking?


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ashburn, Virginia, USA
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I figure I'd chime in here.. my view point on drinking while OC, and drinking while riding are one and the same.

Go for it, (who am I to tell you what to do?) but I will assume you to be a liability, and not an asset if anything were to happen... meaning when I'm on my motorcycle i never drink, and any riders that I am riding with that do drink, get a wide berth from me... same for OC.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Thundar wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
ODA 226 wrote:
t33j wrote:
conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.
Aren't you CRF's room mate? Are you old enough to buy a beer? Just askin...
No to the first question, just a friend. Yes... in Canada and here in <2 weeks. :p
OC'ing and underage drinking??????????? Not cool!
What exactly is underage drinking?
Good question. In Virginia the min. age to purchase, possess, and consume alcohol is 21. However it is legal for a parent or guardian to give their kids alcohol to consume at private residences as long as the parent or guardian is present. If alcohol is given to someone under age 18 it can be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Not so if the "kids" are over 18.

So really "underage drinking" could be a couple different ages depending on the circumstances.


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2008
on a rock in the james river
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I generally do not OC and drink. Not to say I never will. Don't drink while hunting or shooting. Have drank rather heavily at hunting camps at the end of a days hunt, guns stacked all around, but not being handled.

To each his own, with the commensurate responsibilities and possible repercussions accepted (including ostracism by some OCDO members).

I have a non-oc'ing friend who is at least 6'8" and weighs well over 300 pounds. I don't think he even feels anything from beer until he is at least up to a twelve-pack (domestic crap). I don't think he can drink light beer fast enough to become intoxicated. Although he is a friendly guy, I would not be too interested in "correcting" his behavior.

I have known full-blown alcoholics who are unsafe with ANYTHING until they have had a couple drinks. They are addicted to alcohol and need it to function. Unfortunately for them, they don't stop at getting straight, but tend to self-medicate to excess. Their window of normalcy is usually narrow.

As is true for most of us, with food and drink, it is best not to overindulge.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2009
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riverrat10k wrote:
I generally do not OC and drink. Not to say I never will. Don't drink while hunting or shooting. Have drank rather heavily at hunting camps at the end of a days hunt, guns stacked all around, but not being handled.

To each his own, with the commensurate responsibilities and possible repercussions accepted (including ostracism by some OCDO members).

I have a non-oc'ing friend who is at least 6'8" and weighs well over 300 pounds. I don't think he even feels anything from beer until he is at least up to a twelve-pack (domestic crap). I don't think he can drink light beer fast enough to become intoxicated. Although he is a friendly guy, I would not be too interested in "correcting" his behavior.

I have known full-blown alcoholics who are unsafe with ANYTHING until they have had a couple drinks. They are addicted to alcohol and need it to function. Unfortunately for them, they don't stop at getting straight, but tend to self-medicate to excess. Their window of normalcy is usually narrow.

As is true for most of us, with food and drink, it is best not to overindulge.

... I take STRONG exception to the inclusion of FOOD in this thread... :dude:what did FOOD every do to anyone ?

We are/were talking about alcohol consumption....!!!:D

As long as you properly wipe the pizza grease off your hands, you should have no issues with grips..... no matter how many slices consumed.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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jadedone4 wrote:
As long as you properly wipe the pizza grease off your hands, you should have no issues with grips..... no matter how many slices consumed.