Well... that sucks. Just another way to try to trip me up. How are people supposed to know all of this? It's not like every person is taught every law and is required to learn every new law and changed law that comes out. Just like when you didn't have to bring a handgun into the sherrifs office for inspection anymore. I walk in with mine and they're like "uuuhhh, you're not supposed to bring that in here." How was I supposed to know? I had to just the month before and I wasn't informed anything was changing.
The easiest way for those in power to keep said power is to make it so difficult for the honest man to avoid breaking "their laws" that he becomes a target for it always living in fear, looking over his shoulder. They however, never have to worry about breaking the law because, well they are above it. See L. Brooks Patterson, Bob Ficano, etc....
From June of 2003 web posting (Remember L. had a CPL at that time & still does and chances are he was CCing as a former prosecutor at the time of this stop, but we'll never know... If he would have gotten the 8 year suspension that the average joe would have gotten he would have just gotten his CPL back last summer.) "Do as I say little man, not as I do!"
Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson got off lightly when his car was pulled over last week. The police stopped Patterson after witnesses reported "seeing a gray-haired man in a Cadillac driving erratically on Dixie Highway." By his own admission, Patterson was hopped up on painkillers and "a couple of glasses of wine," yet he will not be charged with DUI. Why? Because rather than give him a Breathalyzer test or a sobriety check, the police officers recognized who he was and drove him home (both officers have since been suspended). No evidence, no DUI conviction - and therefore Patterson faces simple reckless driving charges. Of course, Patterson is now "reevaluating his lifestyle" and "says he will not make excuses for his actions and plans to accept his punishment." Now will that be the nothing-punishment he'll get for reckless driving, or the harsher punishment that he should have gotten for DUI but didn't because his buddies bailed him out? I wonder...
If this were you or I we would have been raked over the coals.
The best we can do is to study, study & study some more. Then voice our displeasure with their crap as a group - as their is safety in numbers. Also we need to remember their disregard for our freedoms come elections.